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Urmqi City University Soccer Movement Development Present Situation Investigation And Analtsis

Posted on:2015-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
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The number of institutions of higher learning in urumqi accounted for more thanhalf of the whole xinjiang, urumqi high school football sports development to raisethe level of urumqi city football move, increase the number of population of footballand promote the development of national fitness activities is of great significance.This study to urumqi six colleges and universities as the research object, on the fieldinvestigation and study on the current situation of football sports, from institutions ofhigher learning the history of football lineage, football training present situation, thecollege football option courses and extracurricular football club and so on has carriedon the investigation and analysis, the purpose is to find a suitable for urumqi incolleges and universities soccer movement development path, so as to improve thepopularity of the sport. Through the analysis of the status of the investigation ofurumqi high school football sports come to the conclusion:(1) the urumqi city college football fields and the number of basic can meet theneeds of normal teaching and training, but in the winter can’t meet the needs ofnormal football teaching.(2)Urumqi city college football coach title generally low, especially the nationalcoaches; And weeks training work pressure is big.(3) the urumqi city college football training in the national accounts for most ofthe students.(4) urumqi city college football training target is realistic; College footballtraining funds more difficult.(5)Urumqi city college campus and intercollegiate football competition systemis not mature. Football in higher education course in good condition in urumqi,xinjiang police academy and urumqi vocational university football option class, noopen have football option class teaching material of colleges and universities haveset up grade for the second grade.(6)Urumqi age showed a trend of getting younger over the football in highereducation teachers, most titles for the instructor and ta, in office less chance for inservice training, the number of football of exercise at ordinary times less.(7)Urumqi city college football lesson options students have football foundationlevel is higher, boys than girls, and minority students than han nationality students,national student test scores is better than han students.(8)Urumqi in football in higher education in the performance appraisal of valuetactics and body quality appraisal, the appraisal of the usual performance finally. (9)Urumqi amateur football in colleges has made some achievements, but infootball community construction, the construction of college football team needs tobe improved, students participate in extracurricular football in good condition, neverin the number of people participate in after-school soccer exercise and a small part.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urumqi, Olleges and universities, The sport
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