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Research On Moral Values ​​of Physical Culture

Posted on:2014-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425956123Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The physical and moral education as an important part of education system, are both different and related. On the one hand, many content of physical culture in a direct or indirect contains the components of moral education, which is decided by the cultural commonality and physical properties. At the same time, the inheritance and development of sports culture itself is also the objective need of moral education content into them. On the other hand, the traditional moral education form has not completely meet the demands of a new age, and sports and its cultural undoubtedly can meet the demand of moral education, to make its due contribution to improve the effectiveness of moral education. This paper attempts to start from the different aspects of sports culture, analysis of the moral value system contains elements of each level of the sports culture, and how to practice moral element transformation and eventually used for moral education. This paper is divided into four parts.The first chapter, the moral value of Chinese traditional sports culture. Starting from the connotation of sports, sports culture, Chinese traditional sports culture, focuses on the analysis of the moral value of Chinese traditional sports culture of "de", the "ceremony" and "and" embodied; at the same time from the moral value of Chinese traditional sports culture and the two aspects of the moral education function of Chinese traditional sports culture discussion on problems of the transformation of moral education of Chinese traditional sports culture.The second chapter, study on the value of moral education of school sports culture. Based on analyzing the connotation of school sports culture, mainly from the moral value of school sports material culture level; the value of moral education of school physical culture system level; three levels of moral value of school sports culture spirit to excavate the value of moral education of school sports culture. Finally, to explore the way of realizing the school sports culture and moral value mainly includes building two recessive moral education of school physical culture environment and pay attention to in the teaching of physical education.The third chapter, study on the value of moral education and social sports culture. Based on analyzing the connotation of social sports culture, summarizes the value of moral education on the social sports culture:social sports culture is conducive to promoting social harmony; social sports culture can promote socialization; social sports culture is helpful to get rid of the feudal superstition thought. On this basis, on the implementation of two suggestions of social sports culture:efforts to improve the social sports cultural activities practitioners of the ideological and moral quality; pay attention to the construction of social environment, to promote the realization of social sports cultural and moral values.The fourth chapter, study on the moral value of competitive sports culture. The connotation of competitive sports culture as the foundation, from the three aspects of in-depth analysis of the moral value of the culture of competitive sports:athletics sports culture can cultivate people’s goodness; sports culture can cultivate people’s awareness of the rules; sports culture can cultivate love the feeling of people. Finally, three suggestions of sports culture is the realization:purification of competitive sports culture moral environmental efforts; strive to play the role of athletes; efforts to broaden the ways of sports culture and moral value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese traditional sports culture, School sports culture, Social sports culture, Competitive sports culture, moral value
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