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Impact Running Private Schools In Fair Factors

Posted on:2014-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425965863Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of the new century, with the gradual improvement of China’s market economy, with the gradual implementation of rejuvenating the country through science and education strategy, along with the gradual easing of investment in education institutions and education investment environment, China’s Private Higher Education has also undergone earth-shaking changes, whether it is the rapid development of the rapid rise in the number or quality, promote the interest and attention of the community on Private Higher Education, is also an increasingly important position in the field of education, to play the role can not be ignored. At the same time, Guangzhou City, the private colleges and universities are no exception, after more than a decade of development, are constantly changing, and now has become an important part of the cause of higher education in Guangzhou. However, Guangzhou Running Private Schools process in many ways still hinder its development, private colleges and universities in educational issues and public schools compared there is a lot of unfairness. Before and after our developed "Private Education Promotion Law" and "Private Education Promotion Law Ordinance," to fight for to the smooth development of the private universities sponsoring work from the perspective of legal equality, but in practice, Guangzhou Private Higher Education work carry or encounter a lot of difficulties and problems, those policies can be practical operability there is still a lot of difficulty. Private schools or in Guangzhou with the Guangzhou Public Universities can not be obtained in the process of running the same powers, the fact that also goes against the education fair’s original meaning. Therefore, the strengthening of Guangzhou Private Higher Education Fair factors, has a double meaning of theoretical and practical.At present, Guangzhou Private Higher Education Fair factors also little theory of China’s education sector attaches great importance to this subject has not been. Therefore, the authors based on this point, choose Guangzhou Running Private Schools equitable factors as their own master’s thesis research objectives, adhere to the principles of objective and practical, the authors hope the results of some research on this subject, at the same time be able to provide some suggestions for future researchers.I mainly selected Guangzhou private colleges and universities to conduct research, explore Running Private Schools process of Guangzhou unfair conduct research and analysis from a macro and micro perspective, and thus targeted solve Guangzhou Running Private Schools unfair Approach and Countermeasures. This paper argues that the Running Private Schools process of Guangzhou in the presence of the external environment and internal environment of fairness issues, including sources of funding, faculty, students, the quality of college property rights in all aspects. Factors Guangzhou private colleges and universities sponsoring the fair very necessary, on the one hand, to enhance the supervision of the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Guangzhou Private Higher Education, on the other hand, the community and the majority of candidates can also enable treated equally Guangzhou Private colleges and universities to promote the balanced development of private colleges and public universities. Guangzhou Private Higher Education Fair factors is to ensure the of Guangzhou Private Colleges and healthy development of the important aspects, therefore, the private university’s school fair in Guangzhou factors very meaningful and value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guangzhou Private colleges and universities, cause of private higher education, public universities and colleges
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