The knowledge of elements and compounds occupys an important position in highschool chemistry. The knowledge of element and compounds is complex, and the relatedconcepts are not clear. Although the laws and rules of elements and compounds areuniversal, its specificity often hinders students understanding. This phenomenon is causedby the reason that many teachers only pay attention to the study of knowledge of this part,so the chemistry course seems to be "the mixed management" course. High school studentsgenerally feel it’s like political or history in the learning of this part.They think thatlearning by rote is the secret of success, and they can get good grades when they rememberthe knowledge quickly. It causes the chemical knowledge storage is fragmentary, and theability of forming a network of knowledge is poor. Psychology research points out that ifthe storage of knowledge in the brain is isolated, people can’t establish the correspondingrelation between each knowledge point. This will increase the learner’s memory burdenand it’s difficult to extract information from the brain in the future. So the situation inwhich the students can’t solve problems using the knowledge of chemical will appear. Ifthe situation continues for a period of time, the students will lose the interest in chemistrylearning.According to the characteristics of the knowledge of elements and compounds,helping students to establish framework of knowledge system has been many researchersand teachers’ research direction. And they have proposed many good ways to help studentsto learn, such as method of concept map, mind map and so on, in which the mind maptechnology has become an effective tool especially.Firstly, the paper studied the application of mind map in teaching through literatures tounderstand the basic principles of mind map; Secondly, the paper found out thedisadvantages of current research in order to seek the starting point for my researchthrough the analysis of research status of mind map. Thirdly, this study used literaturemethod, questionnaire method, observation method, interview method and so on. Thispaper studied how to apply the mind map in the element compounds knowledge teaching.The paper studied from two aspects of teachers and students, and used teachers’demonstration, group cooperation, students’ independent learning. In this paper,someteachers and students are interviewed to get the application information of mind map.Finally, the paper investigated the results of mind map application by questionnaire survey,and students’evaluation of mind map.In a word, this paper makes a preliminary discussion and research in the teaching ofelements and compounds knowledge, and provides some references for the application ofmind map in teaching field. However, due to the limitation of time and research objects,this study needs to be further improved and developed in the future. |