With the development of economic globalization and the reform and opening-uppolicy, Chinese opening policy of foreign capital importation mainly are turning into acomprehensive strategy of "going out"."Twelfth Five-year Plan†proposed to speed upthe implementation of the strategy of "going out". China will direct companies to carryout overseas investment cooperation in accordance with the principle of market-orientedand decision-making by company-self guidance.Chinese enterprises "going out" strategyhas been implemented more than20years with some achievement. But in the face ofcomplex international economic environment, with the investment increases at home andabroad, the development of Chinese import and export policy financial can’t meet theneeds of enterprises "going out".Import and export policy financial set up by countries as special financial form canpromote the domestic trade and foreign investment.it is reflected in the development ofthe national economic policies will, providing financial support with the export credit,credit insurance, credit guarantee and foreign aid, etc. for the national policy support ofindustry. Import and export policy financial make great efforts to offer convenientconditions for enterprises to "go out", to help "going out" enterprises bigger and strongerin the international market.Article chooses import and export policy financial support for enterprises "goingout" as object of study. Through the empirical analysis,according to the actual situationof the import and export policy financial support for enterprises "going out", articledemonstrates the import and export policy financial contribution for enterprise "goingout".Therefore finding out he policy financial support of inadequacies, combined withpractical experience of the import and export policy financial system of developedcountries, the paper puts forward a series of innovative and feasible suggestion on importand export policy financial support for enterprise "going out". In this way it strives tocompensate for the inadequacies of Chinese import and export policy financialinstitution。It will have a good implementation of the strategy of Chinese enterprises"going out" and promote the development of foreign economic. |