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How Does A Government Adjust The Industrial Structure In The Face Of Economic Crisis?

Posted on:2017-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330488452399Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2008, subprime crisis swept across the globe, pushing the enduring topic of economic crisis in the teeth of storm. Actually, since the seventeenth century, economic crisis has frequently occurred in a circular way. Economic crisis objectively exists and is found to follow certain rhythms. Throughout the research history of economic crisis and government policy, tremendous amount of theses on casus and prevention of economic crisis were produced, but only a few among them focused on "favorable turn" contained in economic crisis. The outbreak of economic crisis is inevitable. In view of this, this thesis, different from the predecessors, was written to highlight the "favorable turn" contained in economic crisis, namely spontaneously promoting survival of the fittest of industries, bringing forth the new through the old, and forcibly adjusting system defects and stimulating industrial upgrading, so as to acquire a profound knowledge about economic crisis.For purpose of this thesis, historical analysis and comparative analysis were implemented. First, the six economic crises in history were studied. Then, horizontal comparison among countries and vertical comparison by time of industrial adjustment measures and short-term economic recovery and long-term development of countries around the globe after economic crisis were made based on multi-angle and multi-aspect data and materials. At last, the general characters were summarized, and an attempt was made to explain why the government of China was always high on defending growth rather than eliminate slow-runners after economic crisis based on reflection on economic crisis. This mainly comes from China’s basic national conditions and leading system.It was concluded that the government should not overdraw "tomorrow" for the rescue of "today" to "help" inefficient capacities, but emphasize optimizing industrial structure, and weigh the advantages and the disadvantages.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Economic Crisis, Industrial Structure Variation, Industrial Upgrading
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