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Guizhou Folk Art And Modern Decoration

Posted on:2015-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YuanFull Text:PDF
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Guizhou folk art is broad and bright, colorful, this article emphatically fromguizhou folk fine arts history, types, spiritual pursuit, aesthetic, artistic languagespread for thousands of years of guizhou are discussed here in the artistic value oftraditional folk art. This paper expounds the connotation of Chinese traditional culture.Emphasized the decorative painting in China today are paying attention to theinternational art movements, broaden their artistic vision also should pay attention tokeep diversity of human art, value of Chinese traditional culture and the existingculture, make full use of our national culture resources.This article mainly from four parts to discuss the fusion of guizhou folk art andmodern decoration.The introduction part, mainly elaborated the research significance of this paperand the research workThe first chapter elaborates the folk art and decoration, guizhou folk fine arts iscirculated minority part in people’s life "life art" it is the crystallization of the wisdomof crowds of guizhou minorities, at the same time there is a minority part has uniquevalue in life and rich and colorful "subaltern culture". Guizhou folk fine arts of thedefinition of "decoration" refers to the working people in guizhou the implements ofthe interest rate is close, dress, aesthetic and faith, and many other cultural sights ofperformance art form. Profound national culture’s influence on the adornment pictureof miao nationality costumes of main adornment gimmick formed by embroidery,brocade, wax printing, and silver, the miao embroidery is the adornment of the dressis the most important process, also reflected the rich local characteristics and uniqueethnic characteristics.The second chapter from guizhou profound national culture and national worshipthese two aspects to show guizhou folk art influence on modern decoration, miao is anation with a long history and culture of heavy, its special ethnic migration historyand rich cultural events often through clothing to reflect and express this vector,known as "no words books of the wear in the body. Guizhou minorities with a strongsense of natural worship, their eyes animals are no longer ordinary pictographic, but isendowed with more meaning. Guizhou folk art decorative style in performancecharacteristics when things sometimes into the feelings of things, guizhou is amulti-ethnic populated areas, there are49of many nationalities, each nation between mutual learning and reference, absorb the essence of nation, together create thesplendor of guizhou folk fine arts.The third chapter through guizhou folk art decorative color and shape featuresand aesthetic characteristics of the guizhou folk art to represent "guizhou folk finearts" and fusion of modern decoration. Guizhou folk art forms and provided materialfor modern decoration form of innovation development.The fourth chapter by through the development and change of guizhou folk finearts to promote the innovation and change and modern decorative painting and adecoration for reference to embody guizhou folk art and folk art development andinnovation of modern decoration fusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:guizhou folk fine arts, Modern decoration, Nationalcharacteristics, Decorative, The fusion
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