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Image Of The City Logo Graphic Design Applied Research And Extension

Posted on:2015-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today, shaping high quality image of city is imminent, as the competition between cities hasreached a feverish state. As one principal mean shaping the civilized city image, public serviceadvertisement charged with the important mission of guiding mass value orientation, aesthetic pursuit,promoting cultural quality, moral character.Using the public service advertisements to shape the image of city has the incomparable advantage.Based on urban image of the mold as the breakthrough point, the article respectively tells public serviceadvertisements’ advantages and optimization function in shaping the city image. Further shows theorigin and correlation between public service ads and city image. In the present situation, it remainsmany problems in the process of shaping the city image, such as indifferent public consciousness, thestereotype of theme, communication carrier not enough innovation, social participation insufficiency,the regulation is slack. In order to shape the city image better, we should put forward the correspondingcountermeasures about public service advertisement. Set up the image of the city by strengthening thepublic consciousness, optimizing the art form, the sound urban public service advertisement operationmechanism, strength the legislation law enforcement and social supervision, using proper mediacommunication to attract more audience. Thus, it will create a good environment from all angle toanalyze how to appeal for public service ads to escort.This article analyzes the present situation and countermeasures of public service advertisement.Thus, it will provide effective guide and standardize in the practice of city image shape behavior. Thelocal government makes full of the public service ads in the city image construction, to achieve thecivilized city image and public service ads business of a win-win situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:City image logo design, extended graphic design, design methods, applications
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