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China’s Animation Industry Originality Research

Posted on:2016-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D D MaFull Text:PDF
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At present, Many countries are currently considered as the animationindustry in the21st century the most development potential of cultural andcreative industries. China has a history of80years of animation, early in thecartoon "Monkey King","Princess Iron Fan" for the table "Chinese School" hasbeen out of the country, contribute to the development of the global animation,but beginning in the1990s the development of the road go very slow domesticanimation, anime outstanding foreign country almost exclusively animationmarket, why from anime powerhouse overnight had become depressedtoday’s status quo? Competitiveness of domestic animation plummeted why?How to get out of China’s animation renaissance of the road?This paper argues that the shortage of originality is really restrict the rootof Chinese animation competitiveness lies, lack of creativity, technology, acomplete industrial chain and intellectual property protection has becomebound by domestic animation development originality of the four elements.This paper will affect the development of China’s animation originality of thefour elements as a starting point, in-depth analysis of China’s animationindustry from anime powerhouse. In this paper, the literature, comparativeanalysis, questionnaire and SWOT analysis, combined with domestic andforeign animation specific examples analysis, lack of original animation is thereal root cause of the force of China’s animation industry uncompetitive. Byexamining the originality of the four elements of animation: creative, technical,industrial chain, intellectual property protection, the domestic and anime docomparative analysis studies indicate domestic animation with the UnitedStates, Japan animation powerhouse gap in all aspects of originality. From theperspective of a clear understanding of the status quo, were put forwardrelevant countermeasures and suggestions on the government, market, business, the four factors of production levels. As a solution can reallyenhance the originality of the animation industry, so as to enhance thecompetitiveness of domestic animation, the early realization of China’sanimation renaissance of the road.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animation industry, originality, creativity, competitiveness
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