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A Report On Translation Of An Introduction To English Lexicology

Posted on:2016-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L WangFull Text:PDF
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The translation material is from An Introduction to English Lexicology, published by Wuhan University Press. The author translated excerpts of it. One of the reasons that the author chose this book is it has not been translated before. The academic textbook translation is relatively new in the translation field. Lexicology is an interesting subject that every English major will learn in the university. If the translation gets published, it can help the English learners to understand the book and lexicology better. All these points prove the translation an innovative one.The thesis of MTI consists of translation and report. The translation is around10thousand words. Under the guidance of Eugene Nida’s theory and the strategies of domestication and foreignizition, the author took target readers into great consideration in translating. There are some commonly-used English expressions in the source text which the author tried to find the most equivalent translations to. So the target readers know the Chinese equivalents of some English expressions. Besides, stylistic features of the source text were analyzed before translating in order to represent the source text’s style to the target readers.The report includes five parts. The first part introduces the source text and the translation intention. The second part talks about the translation preparation. The third part analyzes the source text features. The forth part is about the difficulties the author encountered during translation and the solutions, including ways to translate the English passive sentences, the attributive clauses with "which" and other translations that need to be paid attention to. Literal translation was exploited in some of the passive sentences translation. The last part is the conclusion the author drew from this translation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:dynamic equivalence theory, domestication and foreignization, targetreaders, source text, target language, equivalent, literal translation
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