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The Formation Of The Qing Dynasty Noble Grave

Posted on:2017-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482980383Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The aristocratic clan’s coffin and chamber garden system of Qing Dynasty, is refers to a special historical period and social system generated by a special funeral grading system under the Qing Dynasty, it is a very important topic in the study of Qing history and ancient Chinese funeral history research. The process can be divided into three periods:the initiation period of Nurhachu and Huang Taiji dynasty, the fast but deformed development period of Shunzhi dynasty, and the system established period of Kangxi dynasty. Based on the system generated in each period associated with the entire social environment as the breakthrough point, systematically analysis the influence of every system in each stage due to different social environment, and the different characteristics present in garden coffin chamber and the garden coffin chamber system, in order to restore the produce process of whole aristocratic clan’s coffin and chamber garden system of Qing Dynasty.In the initiation period, the aristocratic clan’s coffin and chamber garden system of Qing Dynasty began to presented shift from family tombs grave garden to the coffin chamber garden and the coffin chamber garden system tends to simple, and without sacrifice of the Han system construction; Fast deformity development period is presented as the coffin garden become more a independent funeral grading, the site selection and construction are lay on the basis of the feudal patriarchal system and the ancestral temple system, becoming to a tend of pathological development, and show the imperial authority from aside. In the established period, the system was basically completed, the En Feng prince built a coffin chamber garden has put into the system, and the coffin garden system have financial guarantee from the government and other series of characteristics which present the aristocratic clan’s coffin and chamber garden system was basically established.The development of the aristocratic clan’s coffin and chamber garden system in Qing Dynasty, on the one hand, received the restriction of the external social environment factors, namely the political and military environment, social and economic environment, the internal environment of ruling class, and also required the government revenues to provide security and the Man-Han cultural fusion to enrich the content; On the other hand, during developing of the system, alone with the enhance of the imperial power, therefore, the fundamental function has changed--from netting and uniting the senior noble and aristocratic clan, to strengthen imperial power and authority.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing Dynasty, Aristocratic Clan, Noble Grave, System Background
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