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The Research Of The Right To Network Privacy In "Human Flesh Search"

Posted on:2015-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human flesh search (cyber manhunt) has been widely used as hot words and gainedthe attention of both cyber and real world since it came out. As human flesh search eventskeep emerging, torts (infringement acts) take place frequently as a result. Among theseincidents, problems of network privacy, therefore, has also attracted extensive attention. Incontemporary society, the distance between people is greatly shortened due to thepopularization of the internet. Meanwhile, cyber space gets increasingly crowded anddense. In spite of the convenience and connections, people find it more and more difficultto keep personal spaces and are subject to many hidden dangers. As our country still lacksprotection on network privacy, the use of human flesh search, thus, also calls for regulationand guidance of laws in order to make it most positive and beneficial to the public andfully safeguard people’ right of network privacy. This paper starts from the analysis ofwell-known events of human flesh search. It then summarizes the concept, characteristicsand categorizations of human flesh search. It also elaborates on both positive and negativeeffects of human flesh search. This paper conducts a comparative study of policies andlaws with regard to network privacy right involved in human flesh search. It raises themain legal issues concerning the protection of network privacy right when conductinghuman flesh search. In addition, this paper clarifies different value orientations when itcomes to the protection of network privacy right of different objects. Eventually, it putforward institutional recommendations regarding how to protect the right of networkprivacy in human flesh search. In a modern society with heavy dependence on the internet,it is of great importance to protect network privacy in human flesh search which relates tothe vital interests of each individual and the whole social order.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human flesh search, network privacy, value orientation, system establishment
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