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An Investigation On Villagers’ CivicConsciousness

Posted on:2015-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330431454982Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern civic awareness,such as enthusiasm to competition, initiative of democratic participation, can promote harmonious and healthy development of the rural economy, society and culture,and then promote the ultimate forming of a mature civic society which is free, open and democratic. Generally speaking, as a result of the changes in rural production methods,the emergence of new social stratification, the expansion of social space and the innovation of social governance in rural areas,new Civic consciousness slowly infiltrated the countryside in the new social environment.However,the obstacles to the development of civic consciousness,such as the influence of traditional mindset, non-rational participation, the lack of suitable developing soil, can not be neglected. The study object of this paper is a village which has the typical characteristics of a transforming rural society(The village is in Shandong province and we call it S in this paper).The main content is a comprehensive survey of the situation of the Civic awareness in rural areas through a series of methods:field surveys and theoretical analysis. The order of this paper is to explore its positive forward momentum and the obstacles which not be ignored, and then explore the road to make a breakthrough.In this process,we should consider both the social environment and farmers’ own status. I am looking forward to come up with practical proposal to make a contribution to the healthy development of civic awareness.For individuals, Civic consciousness is a subjective experience of citizenship. The core of Civic consciousness is its political and social attributes, including not only the perception of their own independence, but also the identity and a sense of belonging as a member of the political community. In this article, the Civic consciousness will be summarized into four main areas:self-consciousness, political consciousness, legal consciousness, and other conscious factor which can best reflect the characteristics of modern citizenship,like sense of cooperation, competition awareness, moral values, etc. In terms of self-consciousness,we can see a serious of contradictory situation:the villagers are self-confident,but at the same time,they retain the self-perception vulnerable groups in the society;they concern about their rights as citizens but neglect the public responsibility which comes along with the citizen rights;they are full of strong ownership and trust for our country,but meanwhile full of feelings of exclusion for grassroots government which acts as the representative of our country’s. This kind of state is the combined effects of complex market environment, the villagers’own psychological characteristics, villagers’perception of their status in the society and the actual rural life.In terms of political consciousness, richer and richer political awareness, positive political attitude,the expect towards democracy and justice are all conscious factors full of progressive awareness. On the other hand, the villagers also exhibit negative conscious factors conscious:treat-sided understanding of political knowledge, the suspicion,indifference and exclusion for the political life, utilitarian political motives and values,etc. The degree of democratization of the country’s political life, the villagers’ own characteristics and living conditions as well as their demand and interest and other factors have a certain impact on the status of the villagers’ political consciousness.In terms of political consciousness, villagers’ legal consciousness is gradually strengthening in the new era. There is a certain degree of improvement in their grasping of legal knowledge, understanding of the nature of the law, and in the recognition and acceptance for legal concepts. However, we can not neglect the villagers’fragmented legal knowledge structure, natural barriers to legal concept and the tendency to obey the law which is just from servants psychology. The enhance of villagers’ legal awareness is related to the rural social development as well as the realistic demand and rational knowledge which comes along with the improvement of villagers’ legal quality. The incoordination between modern law and rural community, the inheritance of traditional thinking,and the loopholes and shortcomings of legal system led to villagers’apathy and mistrust to legal concept.In terms of other conscious factors, firstly, villagers’ effective cooperation in some areas began to break the closed pattern of "prefer decentralization to cooperation",on the other hand,as for villagers’ uncooperative attitude in some ways,their psychology of striving to achieve stability and social environment of cooperation should be taken into consideration;Secondly, continuously improving competitiveness and entrepreneurial spirit is essential for villagers’ progress and villages’ development,but meanwhile,we should not excoriate too much as to their psychology of "prefer stability to changes".Conversely, rational analysis which is related to the actual situation of rural areas is the effective path;Thirdly, as for villages’moral consciousness,the coexistence of rational progress and decadency is the result of the joint action of traditional and modern factors.As for the specific resource results above, in the future, villagers’ Civic awareness should be cultivated from the following aspects:Firstly, the scientific mechanism of political socialization can be used:the unity of "within" and "outside".In the process of "within "propaganda we should focus on the flexibility and diverse of content and methods. We can establish political beliefs from the inside through approaching villagers’ real life and enhancing their political trust.Only in this way,the Civic awareness can finally truly become part of their inner spiritual world.In the process of "outside"practice, we should strive to transform villagers’ material rationality into political rationality; and we also should take the opportunity of villagers’ autonomy to continuously improve the level of political participation,and then cultivate qualified politician.Secondly, in the process of civic education,we should adjust the content and methods according to the actual village life, in order that it will finally be internalized as part of the inner world of the villagers.Thirdly, in the process of cultivating institutional environment, the specific institutional measures should be identical to the reality,and that is to say, specific system construction should be able to play a certain aspect to enhance villagers’civic awareness. In addition, we should actively promote the institution-building of rural folk organization,because this kind of organization which is "untaken by the villages"." operated by the villages "and" profiting the villagers "will effectively enhance Civic awareness of rural villagersFourth, in the process of cultivating new Civic consciousness, the principle of "moderates":respecting the traditional appearance of the village.In addition, as to the fact that the cultural quality of villagers are low,the current low, there is a lack of faith among villagers,and they tend to uphold the simple economic rationality, we should convert our perspective according to the real life, and then explore practical upgrade strategy from the local features.Urbanization is an important path of the rural areas’development, and the transition of the current system,the moral principles and concept of ethics accompany with the urbanization provide new moment to bring up villagers’ civic awareness. At the same time, the negative factors behind the development can not be ignored. but the inherent negative factors which can not be ignored.Therefore, the future Civic awareness cultivating should focus on both the external situational factors and internal body characteristics. On on hand,we should grasp favorable opportunities to take more valuable factors,on the other hand,when confronting external negative impact,we should strive to overcome and correct the deviation, making Civic awareness to get forward steadily.
Keywords/Search Tags:Villagers’ civic consciousness, Political socialization, Citizenshipeducation, Urbanization
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