Nuclear energy can not only bring enormous benefits to mankind, it also brings acertain degree of risk. Nuclear safety issues have a significant impact on theenvironment, further affecting the survival and development of mankind. Theinternational community had to take a series of actions to respond to the potential useof nuclear energy risks and realities harm. International law level, to make a positiveresponse to the issue of nuclear safety, entered into a number of international treaties,a series of international negotiations. Has the particularity of internationalenvironmental impact assessment, resulting in the domestic EIA system facesdifferent obstacles in the process of building international environmental impactassessment system, and the trade-offs of the interests of all countries to become one ofthe major challenges faced by the international environmental impact assessmentsystem. International environmental impact assessment needs to be shared recognitionas an international legal obligations, truly have practical significance. The currentproblem is solved by the international community in the analysis of the defects of thecurrent international environmental impact assessment system, the proposed remedythe defects in different situations, and trying to build a more perfect internationalsystem of environmental impact assessment framework and implementationmechanisms. Based on the value and practical significance of theoretical study of thisproblem, and combined with the trend of the current world situation and thedevelopment of international environmental law, in this article from the followingaspects of the international nuclear contamination EIA system to explore:First of all, the international legal regime of nuclear contamination and theconnotation of the EIA system elaborated. Nuclear safety the core of the international legal system is under the guidance of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),several international conventions on nuclear safety. The environmental impactassessment is a concrete manifestation of the "precautionary principle" inenvironmental protection, is an important tool to achieve sustainable development.The environmental impact assessment is a predictive evaluation prior impact ofhuman activities, the purpose of the environmental impact assessment is to providedecision-makers with the information, they may affect the new project, plan, planningor policy decision-making matters.Second, analysis of the challenges facing the system was established. Defectsincluding related treaties, the lack of effective regulatory institutions, internationalcooperation in the difficult technical requirements higher aspects. Existing relevantinternational legal documents in general is more sporadic and scattered among them,there are still some inconsistency, its implementation and the lack of appropriatesupervision. National environmental impact assessment system exists in diversity, thisis a huge challenge to the establishment of an international environmental impactassessment system.Again on the need to follow the basic principles of system was established. Aboutthe nuclear contamination international environmental impact assessment systembelongs to the part of international environmental law, the general principle ofinternational environmental law to be applicable throughout the establishment of theinternational environmental impact assessment system. To these principles form thebasis of the international environmental impact assessment system to guide the furtherimprovement of the international environmental impact assessment system and build.Including the principle of sustainable development, the principle of preventingdamage to the environment, the precautionary principle, the principle of internationalcooperation, the principle of non-discrimination, the principle of balance of interests.Actual dispute resolution process, the principle is not independent but interconnectedand interdependent.Finally, the concept of international EIA system construction of nuclearcontamination. Build international environmental impact assessment system from the global Framework Convention on three levels, regional international environmentalimpact assessment of the Convention and domestic environmental impact assessmentregulations. Set international environmental impact assessment standards,strengthened international supervision mechanism, focusing on the role of publicparticipation in the EIA system. |