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Theory Of The Perfection Of Corporate Responsibility Allocation In The Circular Economy Legislation In China

Posted on:2016-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper points out the three problems of corporate responsibility allocation in the legislation of circular economy in China, the first is existing the legal blank, the second is too strong principle and lacking of practical operability, the third is fragmented. While learning from foreign advanced experience, we also combine our country’s specific conditions, according to the three levels in the traditional economy to the circular economy transformation, to improve the producer responsibility system from different levels.At the microscopic level, needingevery single enterprise before, in, or after the production and business activities, separately follow the environmental impact assessment system, green procurement system, waste recycling and recycling system. At the medium level, needing to form the industry chain between enterprises, the pollution trading system and waste comprehensive utilization system can help the perfection of enterprise liability configuration in the formation of eco industrial park. At the macro level, in order to achieve the social cycle, it’s important to improve the environmental information disclosure system and the environment deposit system. Finally, about the liability of the enterprise in violation of the first obligation, in the identification of whether constitutes a tort, to establish the presumption of causality and improve the form of the civil liability of circular economy. In addition, it’s also a need to improve the special criminal legal system of circular economy, combined with administrative legal responsibility, to form three-dimensional network. The purpose of the article is, in the case of the development of circular economy in China entering the full legislative stage, to provide reference for the distribution of enterprise liability in the legislation of circular economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Circular economy, Circular economy law, Make the enterprise social responsibility legal, The allocation of the burden of enterprises
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