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The Social Security Rights Of Landless Peasants In The Process Of Rural Urbanization

Posted on:2015-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467966312Subject:Economic law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the21st century, economy and society of China get rapid development, the demandfor land is increasing, and scale of landless peasants is also growing. After the founding of thePRC, dual economic structure is formed, which make the social security system of ourcountry also has duality. Urban and rural residents enjoy a different social security, and thesocial security of farmers enjoyed very limited. The comprehensive effect together with thegovernment, legislation, customs and habits, other factors, farmers must to face variousproblems after the loss of land. It is important to solve the three rural issues. It is alsoimportant content the of "three rural" issues and related to the realization of urban and ruraldevelopment. Government, domestic scholars pay more attention to the social securityof landless peasants from its production, but the social and economic conditions in thechanging, we should be in the new situation to find and solve problems.In this paper, I use variety of methods to analyze the problem from the perspective of lawand economics. First, I analyze the status issue, including landless peasants scale, cause, thenecessity and feasibility of problem-solving. After introducing the successful experienceof our country to solve the social security of landless peasants, combined with variety ofdocuments, I proposed the view to solve the problem of landless peasants’ social security.This article writing ideas can be summarized Issues raised, analysis, combined with the actualelaborated the idea of personal.This paper consists of six parts: The first part is the introduction, include introduce thequestion and the practical significance, literature review; clarify the research ideas andinnovation points. The second part introduces landless peasants, social security and otherrelated concepts. I analyze the necessity to build social security of landless peasants from theperspective of law and economics. It provides a theoretical basis for the establishment of thesocial security system for landless peasants. The third part mainly analyzes the overallsituation, including: the overall size of landless peasants in our country; according to the latestmaterial to understand their living conditions; from the direct reason, the important reason androot cause analysis of the causes of problems; from the aspects of necessity and feasibilityanalysis of the feasibility to solve the problem of landless peasants. The fourth part introduceddifferent regions including Shanghai, Chongqing, Anhui to solve this problem of practice. It is also the eastern, central and western regions of our country problem of landless peasants. Thelast of this section, I have carried on the brief summary for the experience and shortage ofdifferent pattern and analyzed several areas the deficiency and common ground. The fifth partis the legislative idea of landless peasants’ social security rights and interests. I Innovativeanalyzed function for each main body. This part has three levels, in the first level, Idistinguish the responsibility of four main body in the process of building the social securitysystem. The second level is the measures and countermeasures to maintain the interests of thefarmers. The third level is about the whole idea of the landless peasants’ social security. Thinkshould set up a wide-ranging security system. I also give out our government’s latest policychange of the social security. The sixth part is the summary for this paper and I clearly putforward my views.
Keywords/Search Tags:urbanization, Landless peasants, Social security, Legislation idea
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