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Study On The Thought Of Allocation Of Resources In The Economics Manuscripts Of 1857-1858 Of Marx

Posted on:2017-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Q ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330488459183Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Generally speaking,the resource contains two kinds of relationships.First, the resource reflects the relationship between persons and things.It has the performance of resources to meet the human needs of certain property. Second, the resource reflects the relationship between people.It shows that people have the power to dominate others by possession resources.Resources generate,use and occupy in social relations.It forms all kinds of Social relations forces by the intermediary of resource.Marx analyzes in detail allocation of resources of various stages of social in the Economics Manuscripts of 1857-1858.In Asia, Ancient,Germanic society, the conditions of access to resources is the identity of the members of the Community.In a capitalist society,market allocates resources.In the future communist society,members of society occupy resources together.These reflect the historical evolution of social forces of allocation of resources.Generally speaking, the forces of resource allocation are divided into three,namely ethics forces, government forces and market forces. The social power structures consisting of these three forces arranged resources allocates resources.In order to better play the role of market forces in allocating resources,Chinese Communist Party has made two major changes, namely from the development of the planned economy to market economy in transition and from the basic role of market in allocating resources to the decisive role in transition.In China’s socialist economic construction,three kinds of power resources,namely ethics forces, government forces and market forces have effects in their fields.Besides,they should carry out their duties, thus forming the largest force.As a result,they can achieve rational allocation of resources,achieve development the better and faster development of economy,and realize the Chinese Dream early.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, the Economics Manuscripts of 1857-1858, Allocation of resources
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