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To Study The Influence Of The Clan Of The Villagers Autonomy

Posted on:2017-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W D CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330509455216Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Clan is a social bond based on kinship, it is through the clan activities, such as a family members firmly together, our traditional society is a clan based society. That this organization form, in the history of our country existed for thousands of years long, the earliest can be found in the primitive society, the people at that time with harsh natural environment in order to fight and according to the relationship between college together, formed the earliest Chinese family. Clan in different historical stages in China plays a important role, to people of influence to the deep to far, until modern times, after the founding of new China, the state in rural implementation movement of people’s commune, implements the high degree of centralized control of the whole society, clan, as an important part of the old, and the new society is inconsistent, traditional culture, has received the serious destruction, the clan of this phenomenon in the society almost disappeared. But along with the people’s commune quit the stage of history, the state of rural control weakens, clan and clan forces and as the spring grass generally grows again with the spring breeze. The selection of H Village in the southwest of Shandong as a case study, integrated use of social theory to explain effect of clan force on villager autonomy. Clan force in the new era of the rapid development mainly displays in following hinder the progress of rural modernization: rebuild genealogy, manipulation of the grass-roots democratic election, fighting among clans, clan poly eat wind, clan sacrifice activities rise, repair the ancestral hall and so on. And the reasons for its development are various, such as: the concept of the villagers’ clan is deeply rooted, the living style of the family, the effective supply of public resources, the change of rural governance mode and so on. Clan forces have a positive impact on the autonomy of the villagers, but also have a negative impact. Positive impact: the clans of mutual function, contribute to the development of public welfare undertakings in rural areas, the clan forces helps to maintain rural social stability,clan forces can form an effective complement of villagers’ autonomy. The negative influence mainly displays in: destroy the rule of law in rural areas, and influence the construction of the party organizations at the grassroots level,. The last attempt to put forward solve clan force impact on the villagers autonomous countermeasures and suggestions: strengthen training andguidance of clan in the core characters, standard clan forces and the democratic election of relations, consolidating party ruling foundation in rural weakening clans, with strong political power at the grass-roots level to the work of the villagers’ Autonomy guidance. In order to give full play to the positive role of clan forces in the villagers’ self governance, to resolve their negative impact.
Keywords/Search Tags:H village, Clan, Clan forces, Villager autonomy
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