Large population of marriageable age, especially, the third of the population of babyboomers population has gradually entered the peak period of marriage after founding NewChina, which brought the golden period of the wedding industry to flourish.2011weddingregistered population of nearly10million, by the end of2013, this number more than14million, which shows the wedding market outlook. The rapid development of China’swedding industry and become a star in the tertiary industry. However, the development of thewedding industry is also has a lot of the problems, conflicts due to the diverse needs ofconsumers ignore triggered between the consumer and the wedding more prominent.Consumer demand has profound demographic diversity of backgrounds. Appropriate scaleand impact of marriageable age structure of the population changes in the wedding industryfor the development of more and more apparent. Marriageable population size, occupationalstructure, urban structure, age structure and sex structure will have an impact on thedevelopment of the wedding industry. Proper understanding of changes in the characteristicsof the population of marriageable age, the wedding market supply and demand analysis iswidespread, early marriageable age demographic changes facing the adverse impact on thedevelopment of the wedding industry, wedding industry became widespread topic of concern.In this paper, the use of “Fifth and Sixth Population Census†data, analyzed the situationchanges marriageable population size, age structure, sex structure, urban and ruralconstruction, education level occupational structure and other aspects. Combined with thecompany’s wedding in Shijiazhuang on field research and interviews elaborated marriageablepopulation changes impact on the wedding industry, as well as the development of thewedding industry is facing difficulties.Research marriageable age population changes impact on the wedding industry issignificant. On the one hand, the study enriches the vision demographics, economicdevelopment, the practical problems encountered, were analyzed by demographic perspective,put forward the scientific and effective solutions; hand, and promoting the healthy development of the wedding industry, as the country in development of a complex populationof environmental services industry to provide reference. |