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Investigation On Present Situation Of Extracurricular Physical Activityof College Students In Hebei Province And Comparative Study

Posted on:2016-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461977377Subject:Physical Education and Training
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2014, our country comprehensively advancing health pass forward, to encourage fitness activities, increased investment in facilities, reduce the consumption threshold, popularize knowledge of science fitness and feasible method is put forward, make the people develop good exercise habits, vigorously promote "exercise prescription", requests the student groups, each person must have a movement skill, the national fitness rise for the national strategy. The stand or fall of students physical health, is one of the important problems in today’s society attention, has a profound influence on the future social development. Under the background of today’s society, many college students life is not regular, often stay up late, lack of sleep, lack of physical exercise, physical quality declining, the health is everywhere. In terms of hebei province in recent years, the physical quality of college students presents downtrend and body function. Good physical quality and physical health are the requirements of the college students, so the grasp of the basic sports skills is the urgent request of the college students. Extracurricular sports activities are both students’ spare time in or out of school for the sum of all the sports activities, rely on physical education time for physical quality and comprehensive physical exercise is implemented. Hebei college students have not formed the system of scientific exercise system, most of the students’ extracurricular sports activities project choose to rely on their own interests, the influence of the traditional sports concept, most university students in extra-curricular sports activities projects in hebei province is relatively single, students exercise frequency is low, time is short, no exercise consciousness, independent exercise habits have no form, no significant physical quality level of college students themselves, their own body level did not get full exercise. This requires colleges and universities extracurricular sports activities must be brought into play the positive role, make up the lack of physical education teaching; College students to be strict with oneself, sets up the lifelong sports consciousness.In this article, through the questionnaire survey and field interviews on 15 colleges and universities in hebei province sports teachers and college students were investigated, in the "sports teachers’ understanding of the importance and function of extracurricular sports activities", "sports teachers’ understanding of extracurricular sports activities and health", "sports teachers’ understanding of college students to participate in extracurricular sports activities attitude", "college students knowledge of extra-curricular sports activities", "the current situation of college students to participate in extracurricular sports activities", "college students extracurricular sports participation" and "restricted factor of the college students to participate in extracurricular sports activities" and so on seven big aspects delves into the current situation of college students extracurricular sports activities in hebei province, with lisa "the investigation of the ex-curricular sports activities in colleges in hebei province"(2009), the data were analyzed, the article concluded that the college students in hebei province in recent years, various changes on extracurricular sports activities, in order to further put forward to promote extracurricular sports activities in colleges in hebei province the constructive opinion and the suggestion, on the breadth and depth to enrich the study of extracurricular sports activities in colleges and universities in hebei province.This thesis consists of five parts. The first part is introduction, mainly elaborated the paper selected topic background and research purposes. The second part summarizes the domestic and foreign related research status quo of extracurricular sports activities; The third part analyzes in detail the research object of the article and research methods; The fourth part from the perspective of university teachers and students in colleges and universities in hebei province two empirical studies, seven big aspect, analyzes the current situation of college students extracurricular sports activities in hebei province, and carries out a comparative analysis on the survey data in 2009. The fifth part in the country, the aspects of college students themselves, physical education teachers in colleges and universities, puts forward the advice for developing the college students extracurricular sports activities in hebei province;...
Keywords/Search Tags:current situation of ex-curricular sports activities in colleges and universities, in hebei province
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