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An Empirical Research On The Factors Affecting Left-behind Children’s Behavior:Parent-Child Separation And Family Education

Posted on:2016-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of left-behind children is an important social phenomenon caused by social mobility and urban and rural household registration management system, under the background of social transformation. By reviewing the existing literature, studies have found that most scholars discussed unilaterally on parent-child separation and family education, the two factors combined to study is lack. parent-child separation or family education, which has more influence on the left-behind children, there is no conclusion. And most of the research is based on the theory, positivism research is scanty.In addition, this study selects the integration areas of urban and rural in W City as investigation sites. Although most scholars have separated the concept of left-behind children and rural left-behind children, however, with the progress of China’s urbanization, the rural population especially children move to the integration areas of urban and rural for schooling and other reasons. The geographical concept of rural left-behind children has been unable to adapt to the many changes in the social structure of integration progress of urban and rural, left-behind children from the integration areas of urban and rural has new features and may have differences with the traditional rural left-behind children in many social behavior aspects, but there is still a lack of attention to this new area of left-behind children.The paper argues that although the objective factors of left-behind children arises from the change and risk of family, but the real reason is the family education problems in the transition of family. Therefore, through drawing on the basis of the results of other studies and reviewing of behavioral problems of left-behind children, this study will focus on the behavioral problems involving left-behind children from the integration areas of urban and rural. This study concerns of the following respects:interpersonal communication, parent-child communication, academic achievement, academic achievement expectations and happiness, etc. With the operationalization of parent-child separation, family education and using the Ordinal Regression analysis method, the purpose of this study is to analyze their effects on left-behind children’s behavioral problems and the size of effects. This study has made the following findings:Middle school stage is an important point in time that the outbreak of left-behind children’s behavior problems. In the control of grade and gender related variables, behavior of left-behind children are influenced heavily by family education instead of parent-child separation. The results above provide the solution of the problems of left-behind children with further empirical basis and reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:parent-child separation, family education, left-behind children from the integration areas of urban and rural, behavioral problems
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