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The Research Of The Motives On Pupils Learn Table Tennis Sports In Xi’an Urban

Posted on:2015-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330467955653Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article mainly research xi "an urban pupils learn to play table tennis sports motivation, seek to cultivate the students’interest in learning table tennis and arouse the students’effective learning table tennis motivation strategy., in turn, causes the student to out from the superior material life, look for the joy of table tennis sport, strengthen students consciousness for table tennis training and learning, resulting in a long-term and stable learning table tennis sports motivation, arouse the enthusiasm of students, cultivate students’positive learning attitude, training.This article mainly in xi "an city primary school students learning table tennis motivation as the research object. Using questionnaire, literature study and expert interview, mathematical statistics research methods. In xi’an area7random14table tennis academy (cake) primary school students of600and42table tennis coach as investigation object, the main survey with a questionnaire, investigating the xi’an pupil learning table tennis sports motivation research.Through the investigation of xi’an urban district714table tennis academy (cake) primary school students, from different gender, age, veteran learning table tennis movement of the internal and external motivation research has obvious difference. From the target orientation, interest and interest, self schema three aspects to explain their learning table tennis this behavior, it is concluded that xi’an city students learning table tennis enthusiasm is low, low self-efficacy. And the main factors influencing the students learning table tennis:family factors, coaches factors, competitive factors, technical factors, the network media. To motivate and maintain students learning table tennis endogenous motivation strategy:to cultivate students’ interest in learning table tennis and thirst for knowledge of strategy, creating problem situation, the use of games, contests, rich material); Through the attribution or attribution training guidance, to improve the students’self-confidence and self-efficacy; To cultivate students the need for achievement and a sense of achievement. Stimulate and maintain students learning table tennis extrinsic motivation strategy:provide timely feedback information. Appropriate use of praise and criticism. The use of external rewards should be appropriate; Model education law; With new methods of teaching. Based on the above strategy to enhance students’ interest in learning table tennis and good motivation. Promote students consciously for table tennis training and learning, and success at an early date, and serve the motherland.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elementary School Students, Table tennins, LearningMotivation, Sports, Xi’an City
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