Essential-qualities-oriented education is the main focus of the Chineseeducation in the21st century. It is also a major policy of basic education. It relatesto the improvement of the overall quality of the Chinese people and the building ofa moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. In China, the focus and mostdifficulty point of the basic education is in rural areas, and so is the implementationof essential-qualities-oriented education. Because of the vast territory of China, thedistribution of rural areas is dispersed. Thus the essential-qualities-orientededucation in different rural primary schools cannot be studied in the same way. Theeducation in different areas should be adjusted based on local conditions andtreated differently according to the reality.In this paper, we studied the development of the essential-qualities-orientededucation in our country in the past few years, learned the various viewpoints,discussion and debate on essential-qualities-oriented education in Chineseacademic circles, and found out the different practices and experiences fromessential-qualities-oriented education in some foreign countries. We investigatedthe essential-qualities-oriented education in four primary schools in rural areas ofHuangshi. We presented the class schedules, curriculum, extra-curricular activities,thoughts, emotions and cognitive ability of students, the major tasks of schools,teachers, teaching conditions, and analyzed their funding problems. Based on these,we summarized the progress of essential-qualities-oriented education in primaryschools in rural areas of Huangshi. After thinking thoroughly and communicatingwidely with different people, we proposed some ways to promoteessential-qualities-oriented education in elementary schools in the rural areas ofHuangshi. Promoting from micro-to macro-level, we proposed a practicalconsideration for the essential-qualities-oriented education in all the rural areas ofChina, which will use the slogan of "let every child become useful person" as asharp-edged weapon for further advancing essential-qualities-oriented education. Itwill also make use of the great influence of the central committee and state policyto create a new situation of essential-qualities-oriented education. At the same time,we can make the "balanced development" as an important way of advancingessential-qualities-oriented education. In the process of implementing essential-qualities-oriented education, we should always use the "balanceddevelopment" as method to solidly implement "balanced development". We cancombine strengths from different aspects of the entire society to persistentlyimplement the goals of essential-qualities-oriented education at different stagesstep by step. So we can realize the ideal of essential-qualities-oriented education,step by step, and achieve the final goal of "let every child can ’go to school’ and’educated well in school’ to become a useful person". |