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Flip The Classroom In Empirical Research Of The Baseball And Softball Teaching In Colleges And Universities

Posted on:2016-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330473959130Subject:Sports teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The flipped classroom teaching mode is to impart the knowledge produced video, PPT presentation or audio form, is used as an auxiliary tool to help students in extra-curricular time to complete the knowledge stage, and will be internalized stage in class, under teacher’s guidance and help, in between the students discuss with each other and with the assistance to complete a series of knowledge about the application and practice, mainly reflected in the internalization of the knowledge, so as to achieve the classroom flip. This study is based on the implementation of the status quo at home and abroad research and flip the classroom flip the classroom at home and abroad on the understanding, makes a comparative research on flipped classroom teaching mode of baseball and softball, demonstrates the application of flipping the classroom teaching mode in college baseball teaching is feasible, and that, the implementation of flipping the classroom teaching mode, students the group should have the ability of self-study and certain motor skills learning experience; teaching aided platform should choose a high degree of popularity of information communication software; teaching contents and progress of flipped classroom teaching needs to set up the baseball and softball; class part to actively check the students’ self-study, classroom teaching evaluation stage attention part class. The application of multi-Structural sports events in the classification of sports structure based on the main physical quality is applicable to the teaching mode of the classroom.. Flipped classroom baseball and softball teaching advantages:make full use of the limited sports practice time; course autonomously and video learning, clear goal of physical practice initiative baseball and softball practice sports skills; strictly in various stages of physical practice tasks, to ensure the teaching have effect, strengthen the class among students communicate with each other. Flipped classroom in baseball and Softball Teaching shortcomings:, it is difficult to control the progress of the students teaching; flipped classroom teaching should not be too much; according to the teachers provide students teaching video for autonomous learning, learning the different, adding to the teacher in class practice counseling tasks; for baseball and softball practice effect less than helpful.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flipped class, empirical research, baseball and softball teaching class
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