A comparison of shoulder range of motion accounting for humeral torsion in collegiate baseball and softball athletes | Posted on:2010-09-04 | Degree:M.A | Type:Thesis | University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Candidate:Tatman, Justin Andrew | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2447390002470679 | Subject:Health Sciences | Abstract/Summary: | | Objective. To compare range of motion and humeral torsion of the shoulder in baseball and softball players. Design. A cross sectional between groups study design. Subjects. Fifty-five baseball players (age = 19.5 +/- 1.1) and twenty-eight softball position players (age = 19.3 +/- 1.2) Statistical Analysis: ANOVA model was used to compare range of motion and humeral torsion variables across the limbs and groups. Variables collapsed across limb utilized independent sample t-tests for comparisons. A priori alpha level set at .05. Main outcome measure(s). Internal rotation, external rotation, horizontal adduction, and humeral torsion. Results. Significant interactions effects were found for internal rotation, humeral torsion and total range of motion variables. Significant differences were found between sport for GIRD and total range of motion difference. Significance. Softball players exhibited less pronounced variation in dominant limb range of motion variables. Both groups demonstrated significant differences in humeral torsion measurements.;Keywords: humeral torsion... | Keywords/Search Tags: | Humeral torsion, Range, Motion, Softball, Baseball, Players, Variables | | Related items |
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