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Cultivation Of Public Space Of Governance And Reconstruction Of The Village Order

Posted on:2016-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J YuFull Text:PDF
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The village public place has a significant link with the maintenance of the village order. Because it is not only has an important influence on daily economic, political, cultural and social life among the villagers, but also it is beneficial to maintain a harmonious and stable village. However, the original village public space collapsed and village order was destroyed with the arrival of the social transformation and the population movement. At present, how to reconstruct the village public space and the village order is becoming a hot research issue in the society.This paper makes a case study based on R Village in the east of Zhejiang province by a qualitative research. Moreover, these research results on the public space at home and abroad are referred to in this study in the view of the academic tradition of "public domain" created by Arendt and Habermas. Then it will try to apply the village public space as a perspective of analysis to study the migrant population NGO called harmonious association, and characterize its generating mechanism, to explain its elements of composition and perspective its operating mode and governance effect. Finally, it will explain how the public space of governance based on harmonious association reconstructs and maintains the order of inflow village. This study is beneficial to popularize management experience of migrant population for villages in the east of China which have fallen into the phenomenon of "population inversion". Besides, it can enrich the researches of public space and develop the theory of public space.To be detailed, the study starts with outlining the changing track of the public place of R Village under the historical dimension. It divides the development of public space of R Village into three stages, including traditional public space, formal public space and the recession of public space. Secondly, it shows the generating mechanism of the public space of governance based on harmonious association, and how the public place created by the government, natives and migrant population. Thirdly, it analyses the elements of composition of the public space of governance. Then it focuses on the core features and foundation of the model of "middleman". Lastly, it summarizes the governance effect of the public space of governance in practice, especially in dealing with migrant population.The study finds that harmonious association, as a form of organization, provides people with a sense of the mutual presence and a public space for interpersonal interaction and the community association. Unlike those public place with a specific function, the public space based on harmonious association has a wide range of people, rich expression, sound maintaining mechanisms. So it can play more comprehensive and systematic governance effect. It is essentially a public space of governance. What’s more, it uses the model of "middleman" to mediate conflict between natives and migrant population, to maintain trust between the masses and the leaders, to ease contradiction between labor and capital, to provide public service, to provide multiple support for migrant population. Therefore, the public space of governance with multiple subjects and recognition of the formal system has an irreplaceable role in reconstructing the village order and maintaining a harmonious and stable village.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Space of Governance, Migrant Population, Village Order, Social Governance
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