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Study On The Problems And Countermeasures Of Physics Teaching Between Junior High School And Senior High School Under The New Curriculum Standard

Posted on:2017-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330485998395Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s basic education curriculum reform has been carried out for many years, but under the new curriculum standard, the problem of physics convergence in high schools has been the reality problems that perplex us and are greatly significant to us. Thus, the problem that how to link junior and senior high school physics up effectively is the core of high school physics teaching to start, and it is a real problem that each high school physics teacher has to face. For a long time, the question that physics in senior high school is hard to teach and learn has become an indisputable fact,and it is a peroid of transition from a learning phase to another when students enter senior high school from junior high school. Compared to the physics in the junior middle school, there is a big step in the learning content, way of thinking, way of learning, and even the emergence of the fault on physics in the senior high school. How to eliminate the fault on physics learning between the junior and senior high school to make students in senior high school adapt to the physics curriculum learning within a relatively short period of time, is an important problem for the physics teachers who teach in middle school.In this paper,the cause why the problem of physics convergence exsist exactly is analyzed from three aspects,such as students, teachers and textbooks, based on a large number of documents and a survey on part of the Xinyang city high school according to the physics learning situation. For these reasons, the effective strategy is explored to solve the problem of physics convergence between junior high school and senior high school,such as emphasis on training students thinking ability and cognitive level, improving the learning method, training the students’ interest in learning, improving the cohesion of the teaching content and methods, perfecting the high school physics teaching material contents in the new curriculum reform.Finally, the connection problem of how to deal with the physics teaching in high school is regularly demonstrated through the specific teaching case, and it is important to solve the problem between the junior and senior high school in physics teaching convergence.
Keywords/Search Tags:new curriculum standard, junior high school physics, senior high school physics, cohesive problem, countermeasure research
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