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The Research And Implementation Of Remote Video Monitoring System Based On Embedded

Posted on:2016-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330467475418Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information technology, the important function of the lifeand production of video monitoring system is gradually accepted by people, and provides avery rich and intuitive image and sound information for people. In recent years, with thedevelopment of the network technology, communication technology and embedded operatingsystem, the video monitoring system is also shift in the direction of the intelligent and digital.Because of the video signal contains large amount of information, the video signal needto occupy the larger bandwidth without any processing during the transmission, and thequality of images we got is poor. In order to improve the transmission speed of video signal inthe network, this paper uses the H.264coding protocol to compress the video signal wecollected. The video compression is a greater degree, but will not affect the image qualityafter decompression. It can satisfy the requirement of real-time to the video monitoringsystem.Based on the function of the system, this paper choose the S3C6410as the coreprocessor of the system in the design process, because it can realize the multi-channel videodata collection and can do the processing of filtering, scaling and transform with the collectedsignal in the internal system. In this paper, the device driver used is analyzed, and the kernelof Linux system is cut and transplanted, enable it can meet the demands of systemdevelopment. According to the function and characteristics of the system, the original H.264encoding algorithm was improved and the algorithm structure and parameter was optimized toenable it to adapt to the design requirements of video monitoring system. In order to ensurethe video signal acquisition and encoding of parallelism, this paper adopts multithreadingencoding mechanism to realize the rational distribution of the data storage space.The test results show that the video monitoring system can meet the requirements of thegeneral video monitoring, and the stability and the transmission rate is higher. The videosignal after compression and decompression can obtain a higher quality synchronous videosignal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embedded, Video monitoring, H.264coding, Linux transplant, Drive
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