Nowadays, with the development of economy, many issues have occurred increasingly, such asshortage of resource, environment pollution. And people’s awareness of environmental protection andresource saving have been improved gradually. But, actually, many used Products result in resourcewaste and environment pollution; therefore people come to pay more attention to product recoveryand reuse.Based on the prospect of the company and the overall closed-loop supply chain, the thesisresearched the strategic of remanufacturing production decisions and leasing channels on thebackground of EPR using game theory. Firstly, this thesis analyzed two-stage model of new productsand manufactured goods circulation, analyzing how the manufacturers to make it’s own decisions tomaximize profits in the closed-loop supply chain network of manufacturers and consumers. Secondly,specifically analyze the lease model of manufactured goods. Discuss the impact of collection rate ofwaste products, output and price differentiation between new and remanufactured products to thecorporate decision-making under decentralized decision and centralized decision. Recovery of wasteproducts, production and pricing of new products and product remanufacturing business decisions inthe decentralized and centralized decision-making. Based on the analysis of the models, the thesisadvances some countermeasures and suggestions for manufacturer, third-party remanufacturer,government and the lease industry in our country. Finally, the main achievement gained in the thesisand the problems pending further research were reviewed.The innovation of this paper was to consider the issue from a global remanufacturing of aclosed-loop supply chain, made compactive analysis for remanufactured products processing channels,added to the recovery of the body of the PRO organization of non-profit, found the equilibrium pointby using game method. Build a decision-making model that new product for sale, remanufacturingproduct for leasing. Solve the problem under decentralized decision and centralized decision-makingmodel mechanism. Draw conditions that various decision-makers make to achieve the maximizeprofit, thus provided a scientific basis for business decisions. |