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A Measurement And Evaluation Of The Quality Of Urban Development Based On People-oriented Perspective In Our Country,Selecting 30 Provincial Cities As Samples

Posted on:2016-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461467197Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The new urbanization construction is a hot issue in China’s economic development and social development nowadays, and an important part of constructing a new type of urbanization is the urban development quality, by the quality of new urbanization and urban development, the main line that through them is if it is good for the people-centric matter. Whether the people-oriented idea is well done to the urban construction and development is the measure of urban development and urbanization construction quality. In this paper, we first carefully defined the connotation of the quality of urban development, on the basis of it, we looked back to china’s urban development after this country was founded, then, we measured china’s major capital cities’ development degree from the angle of people-oriented quality, and then evaluated them, Finally, we put forward to the countermeasures of China’s urban development from the perspective of human-oriented angle, so to promote our country’s urban development, and to make our cities become more and more comprehensive and balanced.
Keywords/Search Tags:People-oriented, the quality of city development, the entropy Value method, the urban problems
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