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Studyon The Fiscal And Taxation Policy To Promote The Development Of Energy Management Contractin China

Posted on:2016-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330470952598Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to large energy consumption and low energy utilization rate,China has hugeenergy-saving potential at present.However,with the transition of economicsystem,the traditional energy management system has not completely consisted withthe development of the energy-saving we need to introduce a market-basedenergy mechanism in our country.Compared with the traditional energy managementsystem,Energy Management Contract(EMC) is a win-win energy-savingmechanism.It can not only bring economic benefit for the stakeholders of EMC,butalso achieve the goal of energy-saving emission reduction.Through analysis,this newenergy-saving mechanism is feasible and essential because of its advantages and hugeenergy-saving potential in our country.Since1990s,our government and relevant departments have adopted varieties ofmeasures to demonstrate,guide and promote EMC.After many years of support,energysaving service industry gets rapid development in our country.However,compared withdeveloped countries,there are many difficulties for the development of EMC in ourcountry,such as low market share,financing difficulties,weak technical capacity.Tosolve these problems,our government should develop a effective system ofincentive.Fiscal and taxation policy is one ideal means of government policies, it canmake good use of the power of market,and actively guide the development of EMC.First of all,based on the method of documents research and socialinvestigation,this paper on one hand elaborate the EMC’s situation,which includeorigin,content,mode of operation,the development process etc;on the other hand,ituse externalities and information asymmetry theory to have a deeply discussion on theeffectiveness of fiscal policy and their function mechanism.Secondly,applyingcomparative study method,the dissertation analyzes the national and international fiscalpolicies on EMC.Finally,the thesis builds up our country’s fiscal and taxation policysystem of EMC in connection with international practices and “Sales Tax to ValueAdded Tax” background.In order to propose a comprehensive,scientific incentive advice,the article analyzes the interests relationship between the stakeholders of EMC by gametheory,which demonstrates government can adopt fiscal policy to attract the partiesinvolved in energy management contract market.On this basis, the paper also uses theprincipal-agent model to studies the content settings of fiscal and taxation policieson EMC.Additionally,this paper also put forward a set of auxiliary measures to solvemarket,financing and technical barriers in energy-saving service industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy Management Contract, Energy-saving Service, Fiscal andTaxation Policy
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