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Banking Bureau Of Policy Studies In Sichuan Shadow Banking Supervision

Posted on:2016-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330473956612Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shadow banks play an important role in our country’s financial system, it plays an important role. Shadow banking while prom oting innovation and the developm ent of traditional banking model, on the othe r hand to pro mote the innovation and development of the shadow banking, sha dow banking and also promote financial globalization and the promotion of local economic development. But we should also see some drawbacks exist shadow banks, market risk, increased market uncertainty, induced financial crisis, which inevitably shadow banking supervision put forward new challenges, the boundaries of the shadow banking related subjects unknown, about the industry’s risk prevention policy is not com prehensive, to escape regulation and innovative financial products and other issu es continue to appear. Which many market participants, regulatory boundaries are not clear is one of the very prom inent, visible and urgent problem, to solve this pr oblem, China Banking Regulatory Commission, Sichuan Banking Board has promulgated a seri es of regulatory policies for different shadow banking, to a certain extent solution to the development of a number of shadow banking issues.Thesis from the perspective of the Banking Bureau of Sichuan development and implementation of the shadow banking supe rvision policy, from the perspective of public administration analysis arrest policy itself inadequate institutional shortcomings of the im plementation of po licies at hom e and abroad th rough the relevant shadow banking supervision policy texts research, integrated use of literature analysis, theoretical analysis, comprehensive analysis of com bining theory with practice, and with the cu rrent enactment of cases, a nd the gradual improvem ent of the existing policies related to shad ow banking supervision policy, the regulation of the shadow banking current deficiencies pu t forward relevant opinions a nd suggestions in order to have a certain theoretical and practical sign ificance to the healthy deve lopment of the shadow banking and market regulation.In terms of policy formulation, from the shadow banking supervision policy formulation imperfections, lack of systematic, operability lead to policy implementation issues to s ort out research, combined wi th inadequate current regulato ry policy, institutional inherent drawbacks, from th e problem, countermeasure two dimensions of analysis and study, the co rresponding countermeasures and suggestions. In the implementation of the policy, the policy on the development of the text itself and the actual combination of loose resulting in an executable is not high, or the lack of effective supervision and coordination m echanism led to a series of acts of Sichuan Banking Board policy im plementation problems were analyzed, the corresponding strategies and im provements. That applicabil ity and f easibility of the ref orm system defects from policy formulation, im prove the implementation structures and strengthen executive power body of policy implem entation, and the im plementation of policies carried out in Sichuan Banking Board and the results of the assessm ent process supervision, Sichuan in policy implem entation between the various provincial regulatory bodies, the establishm ent and strengthening of infor mation exchange, thus effectively regulate the healthy developm ent of the shadow banking, to achieve effective supervision of Sichuan shadow banking purposes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sichuan Banking Board, shadow banking, commercial banking and financial institutions
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