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A Supply Chain Supernetwork Equilibrium Model In Dynamic Environment

Posted on:2017-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of society and people’s living standards, closed-loop supply chain management has attracted more and more attention of experts and scholars. This paper establishes different supply chain model in dynamic environment according to different circumstances based on the theory of supernetwork and the related conferences about the supply chain or dynamic supply chain. Besides, this paper also analyzes the behavior of the decision-makers and the objective of this paper is to formulate the equilibrium state of the network by using the theory of variational inequality.On the basis of the classical static supply chain model, this paper develops a recycle supply chain network model with timedepartment parameters including consumers, the third-party logistics recyclers, manufacturers, retailers, demand markets and landfills. Furthermore, this paper also develops a 5-tiered closed-loop supply chain network model including raw material suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, consumers at demand market and recovery centers. In the network model, some factors are described, such as, the price sensitivity and time, which are the two key factors affecting consumers’demand, the transformation rate of raw material and the transformation rate of recyclable products. Moreover, in this paper, the demand for products shows a seasonal variation, so a seasonal function is used to describe the seasonal demand. Mobile communication has the features of convenient, fast and high efficiency. And then a 5-tiered closed-loop supply chain network model based on mobile communication in dynamic environment is developed. The decision-makers can transact via both the traditional way and the other way based on mobile communication. Specifically, a simple cyclic function is used to describe the demand market’s seasonal demand. The decision-makers seek the equilibrium of profit maximum and risk minimization as their optimization objectives by using the theory of variational inequality. Finally the model is verified reasonably by numerical example.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic Environment, Closed-loop Supply Chain, Supernetwork, Variational Inequality, Reverse Logistic
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