With the rapid development of the economy, resources and environmentalissues become increasingly prominent, the increasing environmental awarenessof the consumers and the formulation of the government environmentalregulations, which make the traditional “forward direction†supply chain beingtransformed into the closed circuit feedback circulating process through forwardand reverse recycle. Closed-loop supply chain, comprehensively considersenvironmental factors and the efficiency of resource use in comprehensive way.In essence, closed-loop supplychain makes the open circuit process of “resource-production-consumption-abandonmet†being transformed into the whole lifecycleof raw materials acquisition, designing, processing, packing, storing,transportation, use, abandonment and recycle, which reduce the side effect toenvironmental and maximizes the efficiency of utilization.The emergence of new background closed-loop supply chain makes theproblem of vertical structure more complex. Attendant, due to the addition of thereverse logistics, the new problem of channel selection in recycling under a newrecycling function based on buy-back price and sale quantity. Furthermore, theimpacts of disruption events on closed-loop supply chain manager’s decisionsand their coping strategies, all these questions have become urgent solutionimportant issues.In this dissertation, based on systematic analysis of the domestic and foreigntheory, methods, and research about closed-loop supply chain management,contract theory, game theory, disruption management and variation inequalitiestheory, these issues we have mentioned are studied. By analyzing the characteristics of the closed-loop supply chain, a supplychain vertical structure choice model is established under the economicbackground of competition between the closed-loop supply chains. First, thedissertation analyze the equilibrium solution of the competing closed-loop supplychain in three scenarios: centralized scenario (two manufacturers are solelyresponsible for the manufacture, sale, recycling, remanufacturing work);decentralized scenario (two manufacturers are only responsible formanufacturing, the two exclusive retailers are responsible for sales and recycling)and hybrid scenario (one of them is centralized, the other is decentralized). Thenthe influence of competitive intensity on the overall profits of the supply chain isdiscussed.There are different optimal channel structrue under different function ofrecovery quantity through the past research about channel choice questions. Toovercome the deficiencies of the past literatures to describe the function ofrecovery quantity, this dissertation construct the function of recovery quantityrelated to sale quantity and buy-back price. First analyze the optimal decisionsunder three cases (two retailers participated in recycle, one retailer participated inrecycle and the manufacturer collected directly). Then disscuss the relationshipbetween recovery channel choice and the market size, the attract coefficient andswitching coefficient. The results show that: the environmental awareness ofconsumers is beneficial to the manufacturer, consumers and social environment,which provide the manufacturer a basis for decision making.On the basis of the above research, in order to overcome the limitations of asingle-period model in depicting the process of recovering and remanufacturing,a two-period closed-loop supply chain model is estalished. This dissertationconsider a one-manufacture-one-retailer closed-loop supply chain model, therecovery quantities without payment change in the second period because of thedemand disruption in the first period, and then the disruption influence therecovery strategy and coordinate strategy in the second period. At last, compareto the profits of inaction closed-loop supply chain under the demand disruption,the effective conditions of coordination are given.Finally, two-period closed-loop supply chain model is extended to a multi-period closed-loop supply chain network with multi-manufacturers and multi- consumer markets under demand disruption. This dissertation considers a multi-period closed-loop supply chain model under no disruption, inaction and demandpromotion with demand disruption by variational inequality, separately.Furthermore, the dissertation analyzes the equilibrium conditions ofmanufactures, consumer markets and the whole supply chain network under thethree circumstances. At last, the properties of qeulibrium solutions are discussed.For instance, company A and B both producing office supplies, thedissertation tests the validity the models in PartⅥ. After analysis the backgroundof company A and company B, the closed-loop supply chain models of companyA and company B are abstracted. Then by collecting, collating the data ofproduction, marketing and other aspects of the two supply chain, the dissertationdiscuss the sales and recovery of their low-end digital copiers in the C regionafter data fitting and so on, under no disruption, inaction and demand promotionwith demand disruption, the effectiveness of coordination of the promotion isverified. |