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In The Perspective Of Developing International Labor Standards,We Analyze The Labor Issues Of The Overseas-funded Enterprises In China

Posted on:2017-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482997408Subject:International business
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since international labor standards was originally put forward,more and more people pay attention to it. International labor standards has a great influence on international trade. But the meaning of international labor standards is not just about this. The implementation of international labor standards will play a positive role in protecting labor rights and interests in our country. The opening-door policy in our country is positive.In China,cheap labor and developing market attract foreign investment.The overseas-funded enterprises have not only a positive effect on China’s economic development, but there also have been all kinds of labor issues.When gainning the enormous economic profits, the overseas-funded enterprise must think deeply that how to fulfill their social responsibility and how to do to complete the protection of the rights and interests of workers. The continuous development of international labor standard system puts forward a new challenge to the protection of labor rights work. Our country should correctly cognitive labor standards, study its connotation and meaning and establish a perfect system of labor and social security.The first part of the paper is introduction.Its main contents are the writing background, research ideas and research methods, etc.The second part of the paper is the basic theory of international labor standards. The third part of paper is the analysis of labor issues in china、its reason and its impact.The fourth part of paper analyzes foxconn’s labor issues in the form of case analysis.Finally,we put forward the suggestions to solve the problem of labor rights protection in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:International labor standards, Labor rights protection, Foxconn
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