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Enterprise Management Personnel Of Physical Exercise, Working Pressure Influence On Organizational Commitment And Turnover Intention Study, TCL Group Managers, For Example

Posted on:2017-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330509453519Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the unceasing change of economy and the comin,g of Internet era, enterprise face extrusion type competition situation is worse, companies can achieve strong growth under the severe situation, as the enterprise’s core competitive power of enterprise m anagement plays a leading role. It is conceivable that the vagaries of the econom ic environment and fierce market competition will lead to enterprise management personnel’s working pressure is growing. Enterprise m anagement personnel as the backbone of enterprise developm ent, they need to face all k inds of pressure, workin g pressure can be used to predict w hether organizational commitment and turnover inte ntion? Enterprise m anagers can through physical exercise alleviate the pressure of work, and enhance organizational commitment, to avoid the enterprise management personnel have quit intention?This research in view of the enterprise m anagement personnel’s working pressure to study the influence of or ganizational commitment and turnover intention, selected by each department manager of TCL group as the participants were, and it is divided into exercise group and the exercise group, type of enterprise management including electrical appliances group of each departm ent and multim edia business enterprise management personnel, departments involved in dom estic sales, export, manufacture, quality control, research and development departments, the selection of ente rprise distributed in different provinces and cities, they are in guangdong zhongshan, guangdong huizhou, shenzhen, chengdu, sichuan province, the selected subjects of regional economic development level is the ex istence of certain differences. This article selects the participants were 300, a to tal of 300 questionnaires, a total of 272 e ffective questionnaires were taken back, ef fective recovery rate reached 90.66%. T o recover data, this study using statistical software SPSS17.0 statistical analysis of data and the data collection by descriptive statistics, variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis, etc.The main research results of this study:1. Enterprise management personnel’s pressure condition: the m ission requirements, capacity requirements, career development and stress the analysis of the total score, male managers pressure is greater than wom en managers; 5-10 years length of service of the enterprise management personnel pressure th an the 10 years length of service in the enterprise management personnel more stressful; Exercise with the m anagement personnel in the task requirem ents, time conflicts, career development, reached significant difference on total pressure, the pressure shows that the exercise management.2. The condition of enterprise management organizational commitment: male and female managers in em otional commitment and or ganizational commitment promises significant difference on total score, fem ale managers in em otional commitment and although commitment on the total score is better than that of male employees, but in the continuous commitment and norm ative commitment and no gender dif ference; 10 years or more experience of m anagers and 5-10 years leng th of service to the m anagement of organizational commitment all the differences are significant, and 10 years and above length of service m anagement score higher on or ganizational commitment, better perform ance; Exercise population with the exercise in organizational commitment show significant difference, the overall number of emotional, specification and exercise performance better.3. Quit intention situation: m ale and fe male employees on turnover intention, while women score score lower than men and women than men are more stable, but there were no significant differences between men and wom en; 10 years or m ore experience and significant difference was found in 5-10 years length of service employee turnover intention, 5-10 years managers are more likely to leave; Exercise group and the exercise groups have no obvious dif ferences in quit intention, showed the exerci se with the enterprise management personnel to quit intention no significant predictive power.4. The general characteristics of the ente rprise management personnel of physical exercise, the movement of the enterprise m anagement personnel to choose the purpose of enterprise management personnel because ho bbies and sports accou nted for the biggest choice, in o rder to lose weight in shape for the purpose of the enterprise m anagement personnel ranks second, to soothe ranks third in the mood for the purpose of the enterprise management personnel. In enterprise m anagement personnel to choose the vast m ajority of sports management personnel to choose to walk, the second is that the choice of running and ball games, dancing, swimming and other sports mode of exercise is not the m ovement of the approach adopted by the mainstream enterprise management personnel.5. Enterprise m anagement personnel exercise score, working pres sure influence on organizational commitment: interpersonal conflict, capacity requirements, time conflicts are the main factors influencing the em otional commitment; Exercise score, m ission requirements, organization structure, have significant predictive time conflict for continued commitment; Exercise total score, mission requirements, capacity requirem ents, time conflict has a certain inf luence on normative commitment. The conflict can be found that interpersonal conflict, capacity requirements and time are the three importan t factors that affect organizational commitment, its comm itment to the or ganization of all dim ensions have significant predictive power.6. Enterprise m anagement personnel to exer cise the score, the influence of working pressure to quit intention: the conflict of interpersonal conflict, organizational structure, and time to quit inten tion forecasts put at sign ificant levels, illustrates the three facto rs has an important influence for the employee’s departure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Work pressure, Organizational commitment, Quit intention, Physical exercise, Enterprise management personnel
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