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Phenomenon Or State: "Class Solidification" In China

Posted on:2017-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330503992364Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“Class solidification” become a hot topic in the dissemination of public opinion. It is based on mobility and “the social amplification of risk” two meanings. This concept is different from other academic nouns in the field of social science, which is not put forward after repeated scientific argument, but it almost “broke into” academic field from the public opinion. That is, “class solidification” skip the stage of giving enough proofs to “it is true”, instead of analysing the causes and coping strategies directly. During this process, the public opinion and academic circles have confused the concept of "class flow barrier" and "class solidification", taking some local phenomenon as the whole.In the horizontal international comparison, the study find that the obstacles to the class mobility in UK are mainly manifested in the gap between public and private schools, the gap between the educational resources, and the sub-generations of the rich and the non- rich are not balanced in employment. American mobility rate has been declined, compare to the beginning of the Unite States. Income inequality is highly related to the intergenerational mobility, and the phenomenon of “familization” is presented in politics, and the distribution of educational resources is not balanced. After World War II, Japan’s social class flow from structural to non-structural. “Familization” has been emerged in political and economic fields, and educational reform has intensified the learning ability gap between the sub-generations from different strata.Vertically, by reviewing the history of social mobility in China, the research argues that class mobility since the founding of new China can be divided into four stages: 1949—1965 years, rebuilding of the class relationship and “dual identity” boundary formation stage; 1966—1977 years, flowing out of order stage; 1978 to the mid-1990 s, new stage of differentiation and combination; Since the late-1990 s, clear boundary of stable flow stage.Chinese society has not showing the overall situation of the class solidification, but we should face the basic facts of the class mobility barriers. Factors that influence the flow of class mainly includes macro system and policy factors, medium “gap behaviors outside system”, microcosmic “different individual initiative”, etc. No matter promoting or hindering factors are time-dependence.To improve Chinese social mobility mechanism and prevent the risk of class solidification, government should guarantee the opportunity quality principle, accelerate urbanization, realize the equalization of basic public services step by step, advance the tax system and tax regulation mechanism, strengthen the control and supervision of public power.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social structure, Class solidification, Class mobility, Opportunity equality
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