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Legal Boundary Of Judicial News In The Era Of WeChat

Posted on:2016-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Justice and journalism have been the focus point of jurisprudence, judicial circle and press circle. With the further extension of new media, WeChat has gradually become the main transmission and communication channel in China, leading to a revolutionary change of media form. Accordingly, the legal boundary of judicial news has blurred.It is of great significance to study the boundary between justice and journalism, ensuring the supervision on justice by public opinion reasonable. Judicial branch should be more authoritative to keep independence of judicature, taking advantage of new media to set judicial subject and guide public opinion. New media, like WeChat, should respect the judicial authority and abide by legal process, keeping the journalism and communication within the limit of legal boundary.Based on case analysis and empirical study, this dissertation is intended to analyze the evolution of boundary between justice and journalism, summarize characteristics, and try to put forward some suggestions on the further implementation of rebuilding the boundary.This dissertation could be divided into five chapters:Chapter 1: Illuminate the definition of WeChat new media mode and the impact it brings to Communication Theory, which lays the foundation of further discussion.Chapter 2: Based on case study, analyze the characteristics of judicial news in the era of WeChat and Evaluate the impact WeChat brings to judicial news, including both the positive and negative influence.Chapter 3: Explain the theoretical basis and necessity of setting legal boundary of judicial news in the era of WeChat.Chapter 4: Succinctly describes the related policies carried out and put forward some suggestions on the further implementation of rebuilding legal boundary of judicial news.Chapter 5:Conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:the era of WeChat, judicial news, legal boundary
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