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Entertainment System Design Of Community Old-age Based On Semiotic Approach To Product Architecture Design

Posted on:2016-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
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SAPAD(Semiotic Approach to Product Architecture Design) is an innovative method model designed to constructing products according to demand and experience of users in their interactions with products which is jointly developed by Professor and Professor Keiichi Sato when Professor were in the Illinois Institute of Technology Design Institute as a visiting scholar in 2011. The method is originated from the in-depth analysis of semiotics, leading to six levels to explain the behavior meaning,combined with two dimensions in the interaction between people and products:behavior and products, and eventually builds the third dimension in the product construction : meaning. Through the establishment of mapping relationship among behavior- product – meaning, the products' innovative process of constructing has been realized. The innovation lies in constructing the Unit from the perspective of meaning instead of merely relying on the existing behaviors which are restrained by the appearance, technological theory and structures of existing products. This innovative theory research method is in itself centered on users.This paper will try to apply SAPAD method model to conduct complex the design research of systematic products based on the research on single products,constructing and designing the community old-age care recreation system. The author selected an old couple who live alone in the community of Lian Xisi, Wuhan city as the case to be studied. First of all, to construct based on the meaning of the recreation behavior so as to have a correct understanding of the meaning of the behavior of elderly people through observation of a whole day's entertainment activities of old people and interviews with them. Then, to make an associated matrix analysis of the relationship among meanings according to the four-class standard with the help of Boolean logic operation, thus forming a certain meaning pile(the cluster of meanings)and finishing the construction of the meaning relations. The forming of meaning cluster will lead to re-gathering of products. Through the analysis of mapping relationship of meaning-behavior-product, we can find out every product corresponding to each meaning and then we are able to make an associated matrix analysis of products based on the meaning cluster, thus constructing the innovativefunctional module or products.This research is the extension research of SAPAS method model, aimed at examing the practical application effect of SAPAD method model into the complex systematic products, providing the practices reference cases for this method model,further improving the theory system of products constructing under the semiotics. The application areas of this method model will later be explored.This paper hopes to draw much more attention to the social value, group recognition, emotional needs and behavioral meaning in the interaction between the elderly people and products through the research of multi-communities in order to look for design opportunities and optimize and satisfy the caring demand of elderly users. What's more, this paper can make its due and beneficial contribution to explore the incoming greater aging society.
Keywords/Search Tags:SAPAD, Systematic analysis, Meaning construction, Communityold-age, Ageing
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