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A Study On The Innovation Practice Of "The Beltand Road" From The Perspective Of Marx’s Theory Of World History

Posted on:2019-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330545488709Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The "Belt and Road Initiative" as a Chinese proposal for China to the world is aimed directly at resolving the contradiction between the supply and demand of international public goods and allowing the world to share the benefits of China’s reform and opening up.As far as globalization theory is concerned,the "One Belt and One Road" initiative itself contains the logic and theoretical logic of globalization.The proposal of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative is a positive response to Mao Zedong’s call for "China to make greater contributions to mankind," and it is also a firm response to the world’s gaze to China.The tremendous achievements of China during its four decades of reform and opening up have proved that it is difficult for a country to move out of the world without being integrated into a closed and confined environment.As the core component of Marxist historical materialism,Marx’s theory of world history reveals the direction,trends,and laws of the development of human society by exploring the development history of "the transformation of history to world history." It examines the development of globalization and China’s development.Providing a profound and profound vision of world history,today still has important time values.From the perspective of Marx’s theory of world history,this article explores the globalization logic contained in the "One Belt and One Road" initiative,uses Marxist related theories to study and solve the problems that have arisen in the process of globalization,and proceeds on the basis of theory.Different perspectives of innovation and development.Marx gave world history a new meaning by remoulding Hegel’s concept of "world history." His theory of world history is a core component of historical materialism.If one examines the "One Belt and One Road" initiative from the perspective of Marx’s theory of world history,Then,from the four perspectives of content,nature,path and philosophy,this initiative has provided ideological innovation and practical verification for Marx’s theory of world history.
Keywords/Search Tags:World History, Marxist World History Theory, The Belt and a Road, Globalization, Community of Human Destinies
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