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The Research On Impact Of "Advanced MSSR" On Reading Habits Of Middle-aged Pupil

Posted on:2017-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330512962357Subject:The modern education technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education is to develop habit, good habits achieve one’s life. Good reading habits can accomplish the future of students. Middle segment is in period of important transition between low and high segment in primary school, which is also the beginning of training reading ability and writing ability. Reading can let students to add knowledge, expanding knowledge, widen sight and also can cultivate the students’ reading ability, Therefore, Therefore, Middle segment in primary school is the key period to cultivate students’ good reading habits. With the rapid development of educational information, especially digital reading tools and platforms become more and more rich such as electronic schoolbag, which play an important role in the cultivation of reading habits, but the pupil’ reading habits still has certain problem, and mainly displays in:not enough interest in reading, reading attitude is not correct, reading method is single and reading willpower is not strong etc.This study is based on predecessors’ research about the influence of students’ reading habits in the middle period of primary school, and relying on the second phase "advanced MSSR" of the research "Implement and boost of Local MSSR". Aiming at the problems existing in the pupil reading habits and on the basis of analyzing the content of the advanced MSSR, then combined with the theoretical basis,the primary school Chinese curriculum, through literature research, questionnaire, interviewing method and so on to analyze the data, and to verify the involvement of the platform "Tomorrow’s Bookstore" has a positive effect on middle-aged period students’ reading habits in primary school, and then combining the research achievements and existing problems to raise the feasible recommendations in order to provide new methods for the cultivation of middle-aged period students’ reading habits in primary school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Advanced MSSR, Traditional reading, Tomorrow’s Bookstore, Reading habits
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