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The Training Of Primary School Students’ Reading Habits

Posted on:2019-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiFull Text:PDF
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The new curriculum reform advocates the cultivation of students’ Autonomous learning.In view of the bad reading habits are my classes of students,in order to cultivate good reading habits,I as a teacher and researcher,mainly uses the method of action research,the existing reading habit for students in my class are analyzed,the problems found by the analysis of students’ reading habits,then to study the development of a series of research,combined with my teaching activities,mainly adopts the method of action research,from the design of the fifth grade on the semester a year to the fifth grade next semester reading habit training action research program,in the course of the study,carried out a number of specific the guidance and targeted training on students’ reading habits,in the course of the study,according to the implementation results of each stage of student performance and programs,modify or continuously The adjustment scheme,for the student’s change process,is the use of portfolio approach,data were collected on their reading habits in the training process,in the form of case to show the process of the research object in the cultivation of reading habits in reading in generate a portion of the work.Through the combination of teaching and research for nearly a year,observation and experience,reflection and the lack of progress,the students in our class have formed some good reading habits,mainly for both curricular or extracurricular reading,a change from passive to active;gradually developed a reading habit of accumulating master;various reading methods;these gradually formed the habit of reading to enhance students’ language ability,to enhance the students’ writing ability;also encourage students to have self evaluation and self summary awareness and habits.Basically achieved the desired results.This study suggests that there are very large influence,cultivate students good reading habits for primary language ability and other subjects of learning so that teachers should have high students good reading habits of consciousness,we should not only pay attention to the examination ability of the students,not all blindly will read and do students combined.This will only make the child more and more from reading,but should through the concrete method,various forms of guidance and training habits,help students form a good habit of reading,make good reading habits to make students comprehensive qualities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reading Teaching, Reading Habits, Action Research
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