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Research On The Design Of Physics Micro-lecture Based On The ARCS Motivation Model

Posted on:2017-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y YouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330512965749Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Compared with the traditional courses, micro-lecture require to inspire and maintain a higher learning motivation because of its short teaching time, high efficiency, outstanding theme, teaching content in general for a specific knowledge or teaching difficult point, small resource capacity, easy to implement mobile or online learning etc. ARCS motivation model treat excitation and hold of the students’ learning motivation as the core of instructional design. The model puts forward four elements of motivation design:Attention, Relationship, Confidence, Satisfaction, and the corresponding incentive measures for each element. The motivation design is applied to the four process in the instructional design. This article study on the physics micro-lecture design from the perspective of ARCS motivation model.This study starts from the review of micro-lecture in definition, characteristics, classification and the presentation of the ARCS motivation model in factors, incentive motivation methods and the process of motivation design. Through the literature research method, this part lay the theoretical foundation for building the design. Next, this study analysis the feasibility of mechanics micro-lecture according to the questionnaire survey to research more about the middle school students physical learning motivation, mechanics study status and the demand for the micro-lecture. The study analyze the lecture content of the mechanics part. Finally, this study present the design model of the micro-lecture based on ARCS motivation mode and analysis the main content of the model construction, put forward the corresponding design templates and design the teaching case of micro-lecture.
Keywords/Search Tags:micro-lecture, ARCS motivation mode, middle school mechanics, model design
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