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Practice Research On Improving Students’ Meta-cognitive Ability In Solving Chemistry Problem

Posted on:2018-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330536963752Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cultivating students’ meta-cognitive ability is an effective way for students learn to study,and it is also an inner requirement of self-study.Under the new curriculum reform,it is more in line with the lifelong learning development.The core of Chemistry studying is to use it’s knowledge and help to solve Chemistry problem.Chemistry learning aims at improving learning efficiency by cultivating a thought which is helpful to solve problems,and has a further effect to one’s learning capability.Through the combination of the method of meta-cognitive ability training and the problem-solving theory,taking problem-solving training as the bridge,to achieve the purpose of students’ meta-cognitive ability enhancement.Based on the practice research of a few samples,and under the mate-cognitive strategies,this paper adopted questionnaire、experiment、tracking record of and other methods,trained the mate-cognitive ability of the selected-students according to their chemistry problem-solving performance.Taking the statistics of students’ answers、questionnaire results、Chemistry test scores and the observation record of the change of students’ problem-solving state into consideration as a whole,this paper analyze and evaluate the practical effect of chemical problem solving on improving students’ meta-cognitive ability,and found the defects.The research result indicates that it is viable to improve the students’ mate-cognitive ability by using such training strategies as exposure thinking、Self-questioning and group cooperation in solving chemistry problems,the training plan in the experiment is proved to be helpful to improve students’ meta-cognitive ability.Problem solving training can help students deepen meta-cognitive consciousness,Develop self-monitoring 、 self-regulation 、self-reflection and evaluation of the habit,Narrowing the gap between students’ meta-cognition and chemical studies.Finally,a meta-cognitive training model for chemical problem solving is constructed.From the students’ perspective it is suggested that the proportion of follow-up observation and interview should be increased.And It should be emphasis on the logic value of chemistry exercises.The paper provides some advice on improving students’ meta-cognitive ability in the practical teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meta-cognitive level, Chemical problem solving, Practice research, Training model
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