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The Research On The Construct Of Rural Teacher Training Model Supported By Network Learning Space

Posted on:2018-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330536963885Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The network learning space plays an important role in promoting the professional development of teachers.Under the guidance of the theory of teacher professional development,adult education theory and lifelong education theory,this paper combs the domestic research status of rural teachers’ team construction,network training and network learning space.Based on the technology acceptance and use model,the rural teachers use the network Learning space for the training of the questionnaire,the statistical analysis of the survey results,design based on the network learning space of rural teacher training model.In this process,we can explore the status quo and problems of rural teachers’ network training,clear the network learning space to support the rural teachers to carry out internal and external conditions of training,in solving the current problems of traditional training and network training of rural teachers at the same time,promote the network learning space applications,To guide rural teachers to use the existing network learning space platform,network training community to establish a learning community,so that individual teachers and the village to the common developmentResearch process,analysis of research background and problems,research objectives and tasks,ideas and methods.Combing the construction of rural teachers,network training and network learning space and other concepts connotation and research status,including research hot spots,research trends,research problems.Introduce rural teachers to use e-learning training space status of the investigation,including questionnaire design specifications,issuing questionnaires,data collection,data analysis and summary.Analysis Learning Network supports rural teacher training,including teacher rural school-based training model,sent to the countryside to teach mode,full-time replacement mode,teacher training workshops model,summed up the implementation process of network training mode,components and deficiencies mode.Based on the needs of rural teacher training and the support of the network learning space for the training of rural teachers,the paper analyzes the model construction ideas and principles,explores the relationship between the elements of the model and the elements,and constructs the basic process model of the rural teacher training based on the network learning space.On the basis of this process model,construct the cooperative training model of rural teachers,the rural teachers’ autonomous training mode,the mixed training model of rural teachers,and analyze the cases.Through the study found that the current rural teachers on the network learning space for a clear understanding of the study that the use of e-learning space for learning and training is necessary,most of the rural teachers have been used to study and training,with a certain basis for reality.The study divides the network learning space into resource service space,interactive space and intelligent service space.Build the network learning space to support the rural teacher training mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Teachers, Network Training, Network Learning Space
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