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Research On Street Community Governance Based On Good Governance Theory

Posted on:2018-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330566456886Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the accelerating the urbanization process in China,more and more agricultural population from remote mountainous areas and backward countryside into the cities to work and live,the city housing project number increasing,the city scale expands unceasingly.The number of community population size and the number of business deals that the Sub-district office actually manages also shows the growth trend of the geometric series.Facing the Sub-district office community governance work business increasing number of cases,on the one hand,although grass-roots staff conscientiously,day after day,year after year the omissions and meticulous work,but on the other hand,the majority of community residents of the Sub-district office community governance work service satisfaction is declining.At present,our country is in the period of social transition,the contradiction in various social interest relationship is complex,the traditional way of the Sub-district office community management has been difficult to adapt to the current economic and social development in our country for the needs of the community governance,an urgent need to explore building a new type of management style.Based on the above problem consciousness,in the 1990 s abroad are widely used in community governance and has obtained the good effect of good governance theory as the foundation,exploratory research the problems of the community governance,in order to better promote the government responsibility,nongovernmental support and public participation of the construction of the community governance structure.This paper firstly explains the concept of community governance of the Sub-district office,community governance,good governance theory,and the role of street in community governance.And then to zibo city zichuan Panyang road Sub-district office community governance practices as a case,analyzes the experience and the main problems of community governance,and analyzes the Shanghai and Shenzhen two cities typical community governance model,and the successful experience of foreign community governance;On this basis,from the legal,supervision and market mechanism,community democratic street community governance to good governance transformation is proposed countermeasures and Suggestions,so as to our country small and medium-sized city Sub-district office community governance to good governance transformation to provide the reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Good governance, Zibo city, Panyang Sub-district office, Community governance
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