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Survey Of Students' Participation In Junior Middle School Physics Teaching In Multi-ethnic Areas And Analysis Of Influencing Factors

Posted on:2017-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z JiaFull Text:PDF
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The New curriculum reform advocates the students play subjective roles in teaching process, which also encourages students to participate in teaching activity, helps students with mastery of basic physics knowledge and the cultivation of the abstract thinking, as well as cultivates students' cooperation with others such as social quality, then promotes students' socialization. As a result, it is a key point whether students volunteer to participate in the course that exists in the curriculum reform. Nowadays several tiresome problems always come out in the teaching process of middle school physics such as:low learning enthusiasm of students, or parameter and not god, or with silence silent revolt against teachers' behaviors. How is the current situation of middle school students participating in physics teaching of multi-national regions? What's more, what is the characteristics of it? It is whether these elements influencing student' participation, such as gender, ethnic, and parents education etc. that has a material impact. That is just a question.Referring to related literature, the author define the concept of participation in and sums up the characteristics of students'participation in middle school physics teaching the onset, permeability, subjective initiative, dynamic, explicit and hidden, the effect of the increase. On the basis of research written by Professor Kong Qiping, on students' participation, combining with the characteristics of the students in multi-national regions, the author designed the questionnaire from behavioral, cognitive, and emotional involved in three dimensions design of the junior middle school physics teaching of middle school students to participate in the questionnaire, after selection, order,330 students test, reliability and validity of data statistical analysis results show that the good reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Mongolian, Tibetan autonomous prefecture in the northwestern of China, is mainly the Mongolian and Tibetan national minority area of more than 20 ethnic, students in No.1,2,3 and 4 middle school taken as the research object,440 questionnaires handed out, with recycling effective questionnaire 392, from the student to participate in the three dimensions of behavior, cognitive and emotional engagement through statistical analysis, the author analysis the influencing factors of students, gender, race, parents' education. The study shows:(1) performance of the students to participate in multi-national regions:high students' participation, low cognitive and emotional involvement;In terms of behavior participation, concentration is better than study ability; Most of the students' cognitive participation stay in shallow layers, and rely on strategies; In emotional engagement, when students are studying, the physical sense of pleasure and a sense of accomplishment is greater than the anxiety and disgust(2) gender, nationality, parents' education differ in terms of influence on students' participation in multi-national regions:the influence of gender on students to participate in small, but the students show the different students of different ethnic groups to participate in state, the higher the parents' education, students' ability to participate in various dimensions.According to the above problems found during the investigation and the analysis and research, the author puts forward the following advice for teachers working in multi-national regions from three aspects:(1) participation aspects:to improve the students'interest in learning physics, attract students to actively participate in activi ties;(2) cognitive engagement:stimulate students development needs, cultivate the consciousness of self monitoring; Cultivate the students' critical spirit, to improve students' innovative spirit;(3) emotional engagement:strengthen the various communication, promote the student multi-dimension participation; Improve questioning skills and promote students' participation in all wavs; Avoid overlv simplistic and extreme participation.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior middle school physics, students engagement, behavioral engagement, Cognitive engagement, emotional engagement
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