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Empirical Study Of Relationship Among The Decision-making Method,Strategic Decision Making Speed And Enterprise Performance

Posted on:2018-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515491021Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of knowledge economy and economic globalization,profound change has taken place in the external environment of the enterprise.Enterprise external environment gradually presents the features of uncertainty,complexity and low abundance,and more and more scholars think environmental factor has the influence on business performance.In order to guarantee the enterprise performance,senior management team have to seize the moment to set up correctly,effectively strategic decisions.Under the rapid development of the external environment,through the decision-making method to develop a correctly strategic decision can not only help enterprise to make strategic adjustment in time,but also help enterprise to seize market opportunity in the key moment.Therefore,decision-making method has important significance for enterprise performance.Paper combined with the strategic decision process theory,constructs a conceptual model on basis of review decision-making method,strategic decision making speed,enterprise performance.Proposed study’s four hypotheses: different dimensions of decision-making method have positive effect on enterprise performance;different dimensions of decision-making method have positive effect on strategic decision making speed;strategic decision making speed has positive effect on enterprise performance;strategic decision making speed as an intermediary variable played a role in the relationship between decision-making method and enterprise performance.Then,according to the related the theoretical research and empirical research of scholars select decision-making method,strategic decision making speed and enterprise performance measurement indicators,using questionnaire survey method.The questionnaire mainly from 62 TMTs collect 197 valid data.Using SPSS20.0,Amos20.0 statistical analysis software to do analysis,including reliability and validity inspection,correlation analysis,structural equation.The empirical results show that two dimensions of decision-making method have positive effect on enterprise performance;two dimensions of decision-making method have positive effect on strategic decision making speed;strategic decision making speed has positive effect on enterprise performance;strategic decision making speed as an intermediary variable played a partial intermediary role in the relationship between decision-making method and enterprise performance.Strategic decision making speed between strategic consensus and enterprise performance only has indirect effect,strategic decision making speed between cognitive conflict and enterprise performance not only has indirect effect but also has direct effect.Finally,paper further discusses the research conclusion and its revelation for the management,pointing out limitations of this study,and making a prospect to the future research direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strategic decision process, Decision-making method, Strategic decision making speed, Enterprise performance
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