The implementation of the national key construction projects is a very important element of contemporary China to promote national development and progress.The decision process of the national key construction projects not only directly affect the quality and efficiency of decision-making,and a direct reflection of the contemporary Chinese government decision-making ability and level.Theoretically analyzed the decision process of national key construction projects,is of positive significance to understand and improve the decision process of contemporary Chinese large-scale government projects.Decision-making is a series of "selection to decide" behavior and events,the decision process should be more concerned that the state of decision-making as a series of actions,a series of events taking place or in progress.Taking into account the decisions of the national key construction projects with a systemic level,over long periods of extensive impact,different from the day-to-day government,temporary,sudden decisions,this article proposed by Cohen et al."trash" decision model and Kingdon’s process streams theory that is not only concerned about the behavior of the decision-making body,but also concerned about the the organizational characteristics closely linked to the decision process.It provides theoretical enlightenment of general investigation decision process of national key construction projects.From the overall point of view,try to put forward the"decision stream theory",and as the analyzing framework of decision process of national key construction projects."Decision-making streams and change of the alleged series of actions and events in the decision process,there are three streams:Issues streams,policy streams and political streams in the decision process.Based on this new theoretical development,analysis of both visits state key construction projects three streams of the decision-making process itself,visit more macro decisions depend on the streams of spatio-temporal conditions and from the decision-making elements defined in terms of analysis and decision-making drains,streams,decision-making power,investigation timing issues building and decision-making.Final "decision stream analysis framework for the executive-led" is understood in contemporary China State construction projects concluding point of the conceptual framework of the decision-making process,and suggested that by broadening the decision-making Canal open to improve public acceptance of a decision to improve the decision-making process.Traveling in the decision-making streams be supported by a specific time and space,the time and space to support decision-making streams subsisting as a decision-making context,decisions streams traveling is shaped by the decision-making context..According to the theory of historical periods of Braudel,,decision-making context by structural forces,the power of the situation and events forces together constitute a multi-faceted structure,each level of decision-making streams continued existence of the role played by different the.As an important part of contemporary Chinese national key construction projects the structural strength of the decision-making context and the situation forces,emphasis on the contemporary political-administrative architecture and modem themes of the times.The decision streams marches forward in a limited opening decision canal which constructs by the visible component and the invisible component..Decision canal formed by the dikes and dams,the dike is undertaking the function of beam flux and conduction current,the dam undertakes is hindering with the function of unblocking.The decision canal limited opening is realizes through the decision canal each level control valve.The accumulation of its own energy,the formation of the potential energy of decisions,once the role of certain factors in the decision-making body,forcing the control valve to quickly open the potential energy will be transformed into the kinetic energy of the stream to continue to travel.The general situation is that at all levels of the executive branch in the decision canal may both fulfill the function of the control valve,but also play a role in the decision-making dam,and information for decision-making generally require the executive branch to be encoded into the decision streams.Traveling in the decision streams embodied the behavior of the decision-making body,that certain decision-making body of the "group" behavior.Decision-making body’s role in the decision streams moving there is a big difference,such as the policy-maker,the policy-making essential person,the policy-making benefit stakeholders have indicated the different role function.Behavior interaction between the decision-making body reflects the relationship between the decision-making body,including limited game,democratic consultation,the interests of integration.These interactions also embodies the essence of decision streams.Because the issue of access to decision-making canal is not purely about the problem discussion and deliberation,but rather reflects a combination of discussion brewing and discussion to deepen policy recommendations.Three strands streams can recognize,but they are also transformed into each other,the issue streams and policy streams in some cases could be transformed into a form of expression of the political stream.The three strands streams and interaction,political streams,the road will promote or block issue streams,policy streams traveling similarly,the issue streams and policy streams traveling"forcing" political streams traveling faster.Therefore,the political assessment of the issues,economic evaluation and technical assessment,in fact,can be understood traveling the main form of decision streams of national key construction projects.Decision streams traveling needs driving force,driving force directly from the decision-making body.Decision streams through the many decisions canal control valve key lies in the power of decision time.The timing of decisions is active as a traveling state of the decision-making body of the streams fit with each other.Each stream has its own decision time waiting in the forward direction.The formation of decision time depends on the decision factors.Decision incentive decision-making body reaction.This reaction leads to rapid decision-making potential energy transformed into decision-making kinetic energy,decision-making form of kinetic energy of the performance of both decision streams along the decision-making vision direction of the road,may also reverse decision vision of the direction of the road.If the the inverse vision of the direction of travel,then it may appear the decision suspended state.Decisions to abort can not be restored,then we can determine termination decisions,to the contrary,it may be determined that such suspension status for decision-making "dormant".The main innovation and value of this study lies in three aspects:First,the topics of the angle is relatively new,select the state key construction projects decision-making case decision-making process theoretical analysis and case studies combine theoretical construct.Secondly,the theoretical framework is more novel.On the basis of the process streams"theory of John · W Kingdon,based on the overall analysis perspective,builds the conceptual framework of the decision-making streams,and to discuss the decision-making context,the decision-making elements,decision-making channels,decision-making dams,decision-makingthe concept of potential energy,the decision-making body,decision-making key decisions stakeholders,the issues,the decision time,decision-making incentives,suspension of the decision-making,decision-making "hibernation";Third,from the perspective of decision-making streams on the public acceptance of the decision-making as a judge of large-scale government project decisions an important indicator of the process of the pros and cons,so as to improve the decision-making process of large-scale government projects the direction of policy recommendations. |