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Comprehensive Salary-welfare System Designing For China Railway S Engineering Group's Sub-branches

Posted on:2017-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515965054Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Construction industry is the important material production department of the national economy,it has to do with the development of the whole national economy,the improvement in people's lives have close relation.China is in the transition period from developing countries to developed countries,the growth rate of the construction industry has become an important force in stimulating the rapid growth of the national economy.In recent years,with the deepening of the degree of internationalization of the market,construction enterprises are facing global competition pressure is increasing,the enthusiasm of the staff work,the echelon stability and professional talent reserves become strong bottleneck,which restrict construction enterprises bigger and stronger,in order to ensure the enterprise with rich,high-quality human resources,how to build a comprehensive salary-welfare system has become an important subject for the enterprise managers to think about.China Railway S Bureau Group Co., a large construction enterprise with comprehensive construction capacity.Enterprises are labor intensive,intelligence intensive,capital intensive,with the expansion of the scale of market of firm,human resources management scope and difficulty increasing,current salary-welfare system construction is too simple,cannot meet the management needs,total compensation and benefit system design is imminent.This thesis to China Railway S Engineering Group?s sub-branches salary-welfare system as the research object,analysis the divided into the status and problems of salary-welfare system and improve the a comprehensive salary-welfare system through the modern enterprise management theory and human resource professional design knowledge and to improve the efficiency of human resource management,mining potential employees,improve the staff's sense of belonging,happiness index,enhance the cohesion of the enterprise,and also provides a reference for the construction of other similar enterprise salary and welfare system reform,has played a good learning reference.The research object of this thesis always neglect the importance of human resource management,resulting in so many problems such as no matching of salary strategy and business development strategy,the imperfect incentive mechanism,unreasonable salary structure,no relation between salary and value,the inadequate welfare system.This thesis through the systematic design,propose the corresponding solution,adopt the forefront of design concept,set up a comprehensive salary-welfare system.
Keywords/Search Tags:salary and welfare system design, incentive mechanism, guarantee mechanism
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